I think it's strange that Pegasus is less accepted as a name than Phoenix- they're both powerful creatures from Greek Mythology. A phoenix is just as "cliche and silly" as a Pegasus.I don't think a winged horse is too dainty for a boy, either. The Pegasus in Greek Myth actually isn't dainty at all- the complete opposite, in fact. It's just that most people have the My Little Pony dolls in mind when they think of a Pegasus. I admire anyone who would name their son this.
Should NOT be used on a child these days, or any other days. Ever. This name suits horses and horses only.
― Anonymous User 6/13/2007
I LOVE this name! But, like all names in myths, it shouldn't be used today. Pegasus was a winged horse. That is the only Pegasus anyone should ever know.