Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Other Forms FormsPacuethan, Pascuetan, Pascueten, Pascuethan, Pascuethen, Pascuitan, Pascuiten, Pascuithen, Pascurthen, Pascuueten, Pascuuethan, Pascuuethen, Pascuveten, Pascwetan, Pascwethan, Pascwethen, Paskueten, Paskuiten, Paskweten, Paskwethen, Paskwitan, Paskwiten, Paskwithen, Pasuueten, Pasqueten, Pasquithan, Pasweten

Meaning & History

The first element of this name is uncertain; it might possibly be derived from Old Breton Pasc meaning "Easter". The second element consists of Old Breton uueten or uuethen (also guethen), which is a derivation of Old Breton uueith (also gueith) meaning "battle, fight" as well as "warrior".

This name was borne by a 9th-century count of Vannes, who was a claimant to the rule of Brittany. He is known as Pasquitan (also Pasquite and Pasquiten) in French and as Paskwezhen in modern Breton.
Added 5/27/2024 by Lucille