Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Oh please, first there is Paisley, the name of the pattern, but you had to make this name even worse? Just let this trend die already.
I love the name Paislee. The name itself is pretty and the ee ending is so pretty looking.
Paisley was already bad enough. This is even worse.
My impression: This is something you would name a dog, not a child. Tacky.
This name makes me think of the late UK politician Ian Paisley. I would prefer not to be associated with a guy famous for hating Catholics and the Irish.
This name is really pretty and cute! I think this spelling is better than Paisley. I usually prefer -ee spellings.
Better than Paisley! But it's a pretty spelling.
I don't really like Paislee that much. I do like Paisley though. There is nothing wrong with Paislee. Sure it's trendy, and has a modified spelling, but there isn't anything wrong with that. If you love Paislee, than give it to your child. You don't have to agree with my opinion though. :)
Stick with Paisley, please. The "ee" trend HAS to stop immediately.
Love this name, I don't prefer this spelling though.
Very ugly and unprofessional.
I've never hated the name Paisley, but the double e is throwing me off.
The “lee” at the end makes it look weird.
Really pretty! We almost named my daughter this (Paislee spelling) but we chose Everlee instead. I love the double E ending!
Terrible name. And wow, a 6% rating!
Very juvenile.
The name looks even more youthful with lee at the end.

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