This name makes me think of the late UK politician Ian Paisley. I would prefer not to be associated with a guy famous for hating Catholics and the Irish.
― Anonymous User 12/17/2022
PaisLee Nelson is a famous bearer of this name, known for her family's channel, Not Enough Nelsons, and both her sisters' channels, KennaDee Kay and JUSTKASS.
― Anonymous User 8/6/2022
This name is really pretty and cute! I think this spelling is better than Paisley. I usually prefer -ee spellings.
I don't really like Paislee that much. I do like Paisley though. There is nothing wrong with Paislee. Sure it's trendy, and has a modified spelling, but there isn't anything wrong with that. If you love Paislee, than give it to your child. You don't have to agree with my opinion though. :)