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Gender Masculine
Other Forms FormsErentel, Erentil, Erentheil, Orandil, Orendil, Orentel, Orentil, Urendil

Meaning & History

Middle High German form of Aurvandill via its Old High German form Orendil or Orentil.

In literature, Orendel is the title of a 12th-century German epic poem, of which the author is unknown. The poem derives its title from its main character, prince Orendel of Trier. He is on his way to Jerusalem in order to woo Bride (also found written as Brida and Breide), the mistress of the Holy Sepulchre, but suffers shipwreck during his journey. He is rescued by a fisherman named Ise (also found written as Eisen), whom he then helps to catch a whale, which turns out to have the Holy Coat of Christ in its stomach. The coat has the magical property of making its wearer invulnerable to physical harm, so Orendel decides to take it. After that, he resumes his journey to Jerusalem and encounters many more obstacles and perils on the way, all of which he manages to overcome. He eventually reaches Jerusalem, where his bravery and all of these accomplishments and hardships help him to succeed in winning Bride's heart.

Lastly, a known real-life bearer of this name was the medieval German nobleman Orendel von Gemmingen (1464-1520).
Added 4/17/2016 by Lucille