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Comments (Personal Impression Only)
Very, very, very classic! Very elegant and very rare name! just try it!
― Anonymous User 7/27/2024
Although I, personally, wouldn't use it, I do think Ophelia is a beautiful name. It is classy, elegant, and ages with flawless grace. Also, I love the adorable “Philly” as a nickname. Overall, I think Ophelia is a lovely name.
My first association with this name is the Lumineers song (which I like), so I actually have a positive association with this name. Besides, Ophelia from Hamlet is probably one of the more moral characters in the play - she just ends up being used as a pawn by her father. Would I use this name for a child? Probably not, since it's become super popular.
I absolutely love the name Ophelia! I guess I find Ofelia slightly more aesthetically pleasing but both are really beautiful names. I think I could totally use this name for a baby, and while I understand that someone might not want to use a name that's so strongly associated with a tragic character, even if it's just a fictional character, I am a little bit perplexed that it's so universal and so many people avoid the name just because of Shakespeare's Ophelia. It's not like she was evil or like the name has an inherently negative meaning (quite the opposite, actually). And lots of people seem to love Juliet precisely because it's a Shakespearean name and tragically romantic. Personally I think Ophelia is a lot more interesting name (and a character too, for that matter) than Juliet. It's a bit of a shame that, in this age of Olivia, Sophia and Amelia, it's not at least a bit more popular, though on the other hand it's cool that it's not as ever-present. I think it's really interesting that some other commenters here associate it with paedophilia, I totally haven't thought of that before! I guess it might be saying quite a lot about our society, considering that there are so many words ending in -philia that are not names of paraphilias and have a much more pleasant and positive meaning. Think audiophilia, logophilia, Anglophilia or bibliophilia. Something like Bibliophelia could be quite a cute, if weird, nickname for a bookish Ophelia, actually. :D So I hope the "paedophilia" stuff won't deter any parents from using this beautiful name if that's what they want to do, it's seriously not a real problem. And the nicknames are so cute! I love Fee and Fia and Fifi, Ophie is such a fun idea too! Or something like Phila. It maybe doesn't have many very obvious nicknames, but I think if you're willing to be a bit creative, it could be a very fun and flexible name to nickname. I really like the dark, dramatic, kind of Gothic feel of this name. But while there are a lot of dark, dramatic, Gothic names that I wouldn't want to use on a real child because they're way too heavy, I don't think Ophelia is one of them. I think the similarity in sound to a lot of currently trending names, as well as the kind of cute, soft vibe it gives me, balance the darkness and tragedy and gloom really nicely and effectively.
Ophelia is such a beautiful name. I lowkey don't know how else to describe it, that's just what it is. What's with all the pedophilia comments? Literally who is gonna think about pedophilia upon hearing this name? Who has time to overthink like that on a day-to-day basis? When people were indicating that it sounded like that word, I was super confused, because I had no idea what they could be talking about, because who uses or thinks about such a word on a daily basis? Also, it hardly rhymes; it's like clamp and unclamp (but not as similar, obviously). I wouldn't call it a rhyme, but I'm not a rhyming expert. Anyways, Ophelia is a gorgeous and charming name, and no one needs to read that far into it.
Makes me think of the Lumineers song (who are originally from my hometown and literally filmed a music video at my old high school) and yeah I know there’s the Shakespeare character too. I don’t mind it as a name all that much, but I prefer (and like) Viola a lot better - Viola is actually a pretty name to me.
It's not a name I would use but it’s not horrible either. It's unique. I haven’t met anyone with it yet but, someone mentioned nickname options for Ophelia and I think, “Phe” or “Lia” (lee-uh) would be great nickname options if you’re into nicknames.
― Anonymous User 11/22/2022, edited 11/22/2022
Gorgeous name that unfortunately rhymes with a bad type of person you don't wanna be around that starts with P.
Beautiful honestly, reminds me of a flower, gorgeous and nice to say. This name makes me want to say it over again, but unfortunately it does rhyme with a group of horrible people that you wouldn't want around you...starts with p...
― Anonymous User 6/2/2022
It's a good name. As a kid who is a kid I would use it when I get older. But it's a nice name.
― Anonymous User 5/9/2022
Incredibly pretty, I would love it for a daughter. As far as the Shakespearean fate of his Ophelia, I feel like associating a human to the outcome and character from even a great work of literature isn't likely to happen unless perhaps in dealings with super narrow minded people which don't matter anyway. It's simply a stunning name and she would be her own Ophelia. I like the nickname Phee, too.
I think this is a lovely name and I am glad it's starting to make a comeback. The only thing that would concern me is the parents would have to establish a nickname early on or risk having people calling her "oaf". They'd have to establish her nickname early on as "Phee" or similar because a shortening would be inevitable with this one. But other than that I think it has a lot of potential and positive things about it. I imagine an artist or musician with this name happily expressing herself through her works. A classy woman for sure. If you like it and are considering it I would say it is an excellent choice in name for sure.
It’s beautiful, refreshing, elegant, and feminine. I can see why it’s getting popular. Ophelia is a wonderful name. I think it would go well with something like Ophelia Dove, or Ophelia Iris.
I admit that until recently I had my reservations with Ophelia, because I am Spanish and the name reminds me a lot of the word "fea", which in English literally means "ugly". Now I value it much more and it seems like a suitable name for a princess, although I would still not give it to my daughter. However, I am disappointed to see that so many people dislike this name. Honestly, Ophelia seems much more beautiful than other super typical names like Ava, Emma, Mia or Chloe. At least Ophelia will not have to share her name with three or four other classmates from her class.
I’m sorry but this name is awful! It sounds like a disease!
― Anonymous User 12/30/2020
Many people are recently saying they might use this name for their kid, so I'm afraid it could become popular. I think this name is cute, but I personally wouldn't use it. Reminds me of that song by The Lumineers.
Beautiful name. I also love Ophelie.Also, a depressing note -- for those concerned about the Shakespeare connection and how the character died, I work with a bunch of people aged 21-25 and like barely any of them have read any Shakespeare in the US. Either it wasn't taught in their schools at all or they just didn't read Hamlet. So many future kids might not even make the connection. Also, most kids have moved past the making-fun-of-someone's-name bullying tactic, considering there are so many kids out there now with more unusual names, and kids also have new technologically advanced ways of bullying other kids. Lastly -- IT'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. People still name their kids Juliet/Juliette. And plenty of people still give their kids names who share them with real-life famous people who commit suicide or even were murderers. So like... chill. If you like the name, don't worry about it.
When I first heard this name, I didn’t like it, and thought that it was rather ugly. But now it’s really starting to grow on me! It’s sort of like a mashup of Olivia and Sophia.
I like this name! It’s a great alternative to the popular Olivia and even to Sophia, and such a lovely meaning as well!
― Anonymous User 6/23/2020
I wish I liked it...It's beautiful for a character or a song or whatever, but it just doesn't really work on a person. I love Ophelia in Hamlet and all. But this name is just too mystical to work as a real name.
I like the name Ophelia, it's pretty nice, but I wouldn't maybe list it with my favorites. I like even better the nickname Felie. Felie sounds so adorable and would suit both kids and adults!
Two of my cousins are two sisters named Sophia and Ophelia, we call them "Soph" and "Oph". I love the name but she has joked once about the difficulty of "Being named after a suicidal Shakespeare-chick".
I think it's a magnificent alternative to the overused Olivia. I love the Shakespearean connection.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2020
This is the name of my Dungeons and Dragons character, a tiefling bard! Gorgeous name.
― Anonymous User 4/23/2020
My middle name is Ophelia. I may be biased, but I love my middle name! I’ve had a few people in my life express distaste for it, particularly that it sounds like ‘a feel of ya’ (very rarely). Regardless it’s a beautiful, timeless name and I plan on giving my daughter the same middle name as me and my great grandmother.
This is an undisputedly beautiful name in my opinion. The Shakespearean connotation makes me love it even more. Shakespeare names in general are quite fun, both to hear said and to see written, with the exception of Gertrude. Ophelia is definitely in my top three, beating out names like Cordelia, Juliet and Bianca.
― Anonymous User 4/17/2019
The name didn't even have an impression on me when I read Hamlet for school. It wasn't until I was older and heard the song 'Ophelia' by The Band that I fell in love with the name. They took a beautiful name and made an amazing song. If I ever have a daughter, it will be her name.
― Anonymous User 5/2/2018
I love this name, it gives off the impression of high status, importance, and fancy, yet at the same time, it gives off the "don't mess with me" vibe. It's classy and badass.
Ophelia... I pronounce it O feel ya... is a unique, yet beautiful name that one must grow in to. However, I don't believe many people think of Hamlet when this name is heard, or suicide, or madness, and definitely not I feel ya... at least I never had that problem, and I'm 32 years old.
I love the name Ophelia, it is very classy and a respectable name. Logically speaking any name has an insult ready for all the kids at school to point out. I honestly didn't think of 'oh feel ya' till I came on to this website. It's a more subtle version if you're a fan of names like Sophia and Cecilia. Nothing wrong with these names, but some people like me enjoy it but want something that has a different feel. I also don't mind the Shakespeare connection. It's like saying you wouldn't name your daughter Megan, because of Megan's law. Any name can have a negative association, it's hard to avoid.
I hope to name my daughter Ophelia. It just sounds so pretty. Like an ancient beauty or something. The "O" makes it very unique while the "Elia" makes it feminine.
I love this name and want to use it for my daughter, due to arrive in May. I don't get how people would avoid a name based on possible teasing. Are you going to let your every decision be based on what mean or stupid people might do? Those of you Ophelias who love your name, thank you for your comments. Very encouraging :)
― Anonymous User 12/18/2016
My daughter's name is Ophelia. She is 5 so she is a little young for the I feel ya jokes. I think it is beautiful! I am a Shakespeare fan but I think it is silly to only see that character when thinking of a name. Obviously, there are many other names who have been betrayed negatively in movies, books or biblical stories. Maybe people get so hung up on it because the name is rarely used? Anyway her nickname is Phia (pronounced like Sophia without the So) or Phi (fee). My nephew is just a year older than her and he called her Phia because he couldn't pronounce Ophelia.
I am named Ophelia (the one pronounced oh-feel-ee-a) and I hecking LOVE it! My biggest dream is to find someone else named Ophelia and be like "Woah, how did this happen" and THEY'D UNDERSTAND and that'd be really cool but they'll probably be a way different age than me (there weren't even ratings for people named Ophelia in my year!). I saw someone comparing it to the name Olivia and my sister is named Olivia so that made me happy haha. I go by the nicknames Ophie, Ophi, and Eli. Most people call me Ophie, but it makes me feel kind of childish. Only one person has used the "heh Ophelia, I feel ya ;)" once and I was never made fun of because of it. It's a pretty cool name! Ignore the fact it means help, the name is hecking good. The only complaint I have is that whenever the song Ophelia by The Lumineers comes on I get so embarrassed, but it's great in any other context.
My name is Ophelia and I used to hate it when I was a kid, but now I'm 17 and I quite love it. I'm Australian and honestly don't know anyone with my name so I adore how unique it is. Are there jokes? Yes, endless pedophilia/necrophilia/I-feel-ya, but it doesn't last forever, especially if you show that you don't care about it. Most of my friends/family call me Lia, O or Ophe, which I love! I would never change my name.
My name is Ophelia. People really adore my name. Whenever I tell people my name they just say that's an awesome and beautiful name. I really like my name. Nobody has ever teased me about it and no one can say it has bad connections. People called Ophelia actually accomplish much. I will definitely name my daughter Ophelia Junior.
― Anonymous User 1/15/2016
Personally, I love this name. It's quite versatile. I've used it twice so far, and I'll definitely use it again.The first time I used it was to name a chicken. She was quirky and energetic, very curious and always exploring. The name suited her well.The second time I used it was for a character. I won't go into details, but she does share some "unique traits" with Shakespeare's Ophelia. Again, it suits her well.
I love my name! I was born in 1961. Ofelia is my given name. I'm Hispanic so my mom spelled it with an "f". My friends and family call me Ofee;) I wasn't ridiculed because of my beautiful name. I've always been complimented on it. Because we are Hispanic from that generation, we did not get middle names but then again mom had 12 of us;)
This name is so beautiful I cannot express how much. If I ever met someone named this I would totally gush about how much I love their name. I think it is good any pronunciation. The teasing aspect is childish and contrived, and any person bearing this lovely name would probably laugh in the face of anyone who tried to tease them. The somber meaning and origin is also beautiful. There is nothing wrong with sharing a name with a tragic character, it is, once again, beautiful! Ophelia's everywhere should be very proud!
My name is Ophelia. I have never ever been teased and I'm still in school. I have no problem with my name and I don't think I ever will have.
― Anonymous User 2/10/2015
My name is Ophelia and yes, it's a very unique name. What I didn't get is how you people criticize the name for how it sounds and where it derived from. 1-I am in High School and I don't get picked on about my name at all 2-Only my closest friends actually are allowed to make fun of my names such as oh feel ya and pedophilia and just the name in general but I don't get butthurt or anything. 3-When people really meet someone named Ophelia, they tend to just compliment us on how unique and beautiful our name is in general-NO ONE makes fun of the name-it's too beautiful to be made fun of if you don't know them personally.
I love this name, but I'm afraid to use it now that my mother pointed out that it sounds like pedophilia and necrophilia. :( Nonetheless, it's my cat's name, but I call her Ophie.
A colleauge named one of her daughters Carys Ophelia, but she goes by Ophelia or Ophie. It's pretty, feminine and reminds me of a fairy. It's also a great alternative to the popular Olivia - I doubt there'd be 3 Olivia's and 4 Ophelias in a class! Good nicknames would be Ophie, Ollie or even Phiephie/Fifi! It's definitely on the list for child number 3!
Gorgeous and unusual, though I would never use it. I also can't bring myself to pronounce it oh-feel-ya, no matter how hard I try. It always comes out as oh-feel-e-a.
Though I was pretty much indifferent to it before, I've recently come to really like this name. There's just something about it. I'd consider naming a child this.And about the Hamlet character, who cares? I'm not one of those people who hates something (this includes names) because of one unpleasant connection it has. I know this horrible woman named Victoria who causes misery in the lives of everyone she comes across, but that hasn't stopped me from liking the name Victoria. People need to learn to separate names from the characters/real people the name's connected to.
I have always loved this name, it sounds beautiful for to me. However, I'd be careful to avoid the nickname "Ophy"- I think it sounds too much like "Oaf-y", not a nickname that I'd want for my daughter. "Lia" is a much prettier nickname, to me.
I'm an avid Shakespeare fan, and I love this name. It has a nice ring to it and it's very romantic. And I believe other Shakespeare readers wouldn't necessarily associate it with insanity and suicide. I don't, at least.
This is my cat's name and it suits her perfectly. She is prissy and regal and that is sort of how I view this name. I sometimes call her "Ophie" for short. I love the name for my pet, but I'm not sure how I feel about this name for a person. I've never met anyone with this name. It just doesn't seem right for a child--I see it more as an "old woman" name. But definitely a unique and wise older woman!
― Anonymous User 4/3/2010
I named one of my kittens this because she's the strangest cat I've ever had. She likes water, which is rather worrying, considering the Shakespeare character. Personally, I'm a tad obsessed with the character, as well as her mad scene aria.
Not only is it ugly, but it makes me think of necrophilia, and pedophilia. Or any other deranged fetish ending in -Ophelia. I'm sure lots of other people would too. Gross.
One of the worst names, in my opinion. It just sounds ugly and a little weak.
― Anonymous User 4/8/2009
I think this is a lovely name. If I named my child Ophelia, I'm sure she wouldn't be teased because nobody I know knows anything about Shakespeare, unfortunately.
I think that Ophelia is a very beautiful, graceful name. It has a tragic namesake, but that tragedy seems to add to the breathless romance of it. I like to pronounce it "oh-FEE-lee-ah."
Beautiful. The best names are always created by poets. They should write all language.
― Anonymous User 12/13/2008
Ophelia is really a lovely name, but it's a shame this site doesn't have the lighter, less Shakespeare-associated French version, Ophélie, pronounced oh-fay-LEE. [noted -ed]
From names such as Hermia, Gertrude, and Romeo, this is the prettiest name Shakespeare has bestowed on a character. I don't immediately think of the Ophelia from Shakespeare, and even if I do, suicide and mental illnesses are quite common in tragedies. I think it makes it a stronger name, have history in literature, although I wouldn't use it on the basis of the Shakespeare character. I don't think I-feel-ya because I don't think that way.
My name is Ofelia. I've always hated being called Ofelia, so everyone calls me by my middle name, Mariela. I was teased in middle school by a kid. He would shout out to me "Ofelia Nuts!". Don't name your kids Ophelia or Ofelia. I guarantee they will get teased. It's been like a curse to me.
It's quite a pretty name, but it will surely lead to ''oh feel ya'' jokes. Even if you pronounce it as ''o-FAY-lia'', it sounds too much like some people's pronunciation of ''oh failure'' or ''oh fail, ya''. This is why I'd rather name my daughter Ophelie, pronounced ''o-fu-LEE''.
Gorgeous name. Maybe a little too fancy to actually name someone. I have an obsession with Shakespeare's Ophelia, which is actually what would prevent me from using this name.
Ophie is a cute nickname for Ophelia, but I'm not really a fan of the name.
― Anonymous User 12/22/2007
I hate this name: it's so pretentiously theatrical, and who on earth would name a child after a character that went mad and killed herself?
― Anonymous User 10/22/2007
All I hear is "I feel ya".
― Anonymous User 9/13/2007
Pedophelia? Necrophelia? Hemophelia?
― Anonymous User 7/8/2007
I think a character that goes loses her mind and kills herself is a wonderful name for a little girl. It's a beautiful name. Who cares if some people don't like the character from Hamlet?
I like the name Ophelia, I first heard from my English teacher. She loves the name, but couldn't use it when she had a daughter. Her last name is Hamlet--no joke.
― Anonymous User 4/11/2007
I like this name and when hearing it no images of mental illness or breakdown come to my mind. Only those who are Shakespeare readers may tease over this name.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2007
I agree, I would not give this name to a child because of the character in Shakespeare's play. It is still very nice, though, and pretty sounding.
I really just don't like this name, I do have to agree that some teasing could happen with this name. Actually I know of a very nice cat with this name.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2006
Beautiful, and very rare, I like it pronounced both oFEELia and oFAYLia.
It's a pretty name in the vein of Phoebe and Daphne but I couldn't bear to give it to a kid with the impression it gives of mental illness and suicide. Darn you, Shakespeare!
I once knew a horse named Ophelia who had a bunch of warts on her nose. I still love this name, despite the weird image that forms in my mind everytime it's mentioned.