AmonFrom Wikipedia:
Amon Adonai Santos de Araújo Tobin, known as Amon Tobin, is a Brazilian electronic musician, composer and producer.... [
OpheliaMakes me think of the Lumineers song (who are originally from my hometown and literally filmed a music video at my old high school) and yeah I know there’s the Shakespeare character too.... [
ZaynYeah. My only thought is Zayn Malik.
ReddSaw this, and went Redd Foxx.
DjangoDjango Reinhardt is my only thought. I didn’t know this was a real name either, maybe just as a nickname or a pet name.... [
SidOkay, all jokes aside, even though I still primarily only think of Sid the sloth, there were two jazz connotations I quickly remembered.... [
MilesMiles Davis, the trumpet player? Or the character I vaguely remember from the haunted Hathaways on Nickelodeon.... [
VinceVince Guaraldi, the jazz pianist who wrote the Charlie Brown tunes with his trio… Vinz from Nico & Vinz too but that’s spelt differently.... [
BusterIs this actually a real name? Because I’m just thinking of dogs, or Buster Keaton, but mostly dogs… and Prince Buster.
ThedaTheda Bara… whom I only found out about through that Lumineers’ album after I googled her.... [