I hate how this website always bashes southern conservative names. This a very pretty name.
Straight from the "Southern White Kid from a Young Conservative Family" dice game. Just roll the die with words like "Leigh", "Lee", "Lyeigh" and "Oak" "Mc" "Kin" "Lynn" "Kyn" and bam, you just rolled Oaklynn.
In 2019, in Ontario, 25 girls were given the name Oaklynn.
This name jumped +195 places in the US between 2019 and 2020. Unfortunately.
Sounds like an oat cereal brand.
I can taste the oats in my mouth when I hear it.It sounds like the name of a healthy and bland tasting breakfast cereal.It doesn't even really matter to me whether it's Oaklyn or Oaklynn - they're both terrible.
Looks weird and ugly with two "n"'s. Much prefer Oakley or Oaklyn.
Wow the ratings are low. I like it with 2 n's better than with only one. It's okay, would never use. A tad too childish.
I think the sound of it is really cute but I'd rather Oaklyn than Oaklynn.
Not a fan. Would the nickname be Oak?
Better than Oakley.
Just ugly, sorry. Not a fan at all!
I love this name.
And I thought Oaklyn was bad! This is even worse.
This is about the worst name out there in my opinion.
Even worse than Oaklyn. The spelling looks so strange.
So there’s already the bad Oaklyn, and now there’s this?
No. Just don't.

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