I have Irish ancestry on my mother’s side yet somehow have never heard of this name. But I was pleasantly surprised on hearing it. Personally, I think spelling it Orla is just plain wrong. Orlaith is a lot prettier, even though it sounds the same.
Definitely the best spelling, looks more complete than Orla.
The original of the name is Órfhlaith.From ór (gold) and fhlaith (princess, ruler).Órlaith is a more modern Irish variant.
Gorgeous name, would use this name for a daughter either spelt Orla, which is sort of popular, or traditional Orlaith. Órlaith íngen Cennétig was the sister of Brian Boru, pronounced like Orla. One of my favourite names ever.
Not a fan of my name because people never can pronounce it unless I’m in Ireland.
Don't like it.
First impression --> a modification of Laith and Or-Laith.
I think of a red headed princess. Ditsy, beautiful, intelligent and independent.
I love this name, too. The spelling is great. (Pronounced or-la).
I think this is a beautiful name and once I have a daughter she shall be called this.

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