Noa Malka (b. 2003) is Israeli Paralympic goalball player who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
I find it really pretty and such an interesting name. I usually thought it should be a boy's name, but then I realized how cool and adorable it is on a girl.
Noa is a common name here in Israel.
A very beautiful, meaningful name. It is also popular in Hawaii, where it means Free/Freedom and symbolizes "heavenly land".In the 1890s, the French artist Paul Gauguin published a travel diary titled "Noa Noa", meaning Fragrance/Fragrant Scent in Tahitian. It narrates his quest for the lost paradise, and also comprises woodblock prints and sketches: "Silence? I am learning to know the silence of a Tahitian night... The rays of the moon play through the bamboo reeds..."
In Hebrew, Noa is a traditionally feminine name and means motion, and Noach is a different name and a traditionally masculine name, as in the dude with the ark. They are spelled and pronounced differently in Hebrew. Either one could be Anglicized as Noah (though typically the masculine name is Anglicized as Noah and the feminine name as Noa, and they are usually pronounced the same by English speakers). Yes, it's absolutely worth considering how English speakers will perceive/pronounce a name if your child will grow up in an English-speaking country. However, those who are commenting that this name is misspelled or that this is a masculine name are incorrect and might want to do a little research.
Noa Kirel (born 10 April 2001) is an Israeli singer who would compete in the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Unicorn". She had previously served as a singer in the marching band of the Israel Defence Forces during her mandatory military service, which was completed in the two years preceding the contest.
The British celebrity Rachel Riley, known for her role on the long-running quiz show Countdown, gave this name to her second child, born on November 5th, 2021.
What a pretty, sweet and simple name that still manages to sound classy and sophisticated. I really like it for a girl.
This is my best friend's name! I guess that's why I don't think of Noa as a masculine name, since my friend is a girl. The meaning of this name (motion) fits Noa especially well, as she's very energetic and hyper.
It's alright, although it might get confusing with Noah.
Does the name Noa have No "a"'s?
Of course not! Noa has an "a", loud and clear!
I think I would prefer it as a middle. Definitely feminine. Leave Noah for boys.
No a. Still, it's a lovely name!
Usages: HungarianPronunciation: NOH-ah(Information from name #350162 originally submitted by user epresvanilia)
Nope! Bad look!
I might consider using the name Noa if I ever have a daughter. I have a wonderful friend named this. Noa is simple, not too common, and easy to pronounce in Spanish. As a Hebrew speaker, I can say that this is a timeless and classic name that will never get old! :)
Very cute, but it will probably be mistaken for Noah.
My 10 month old daughter's name is Noa Grace. I did not know that it was a very popular female name in Israel. I just liked it. I did know it meant movement in Israeli but did not know in Japanese it means love. This is neat to know. And as far as it being too masculine... I get why people here in the U.S. would say that because Noah is a popular boy name but I think without the "H" and with a really girly middle name it works. I am glad I named her this and it fits my nugget perfect.
Noa sounds feminine and it is meant to sound that way. Noa is a popular girls name in Israel. The boys name we know as Noah, on the other hand, is pronounced "Noak" in Israel. And that does sound more masculine. Noa is a beautiful name for a girl.
Noa is still pronounced as Noah. Regardless of them being entirely different names, I still wouldn’t use it on a girl. With so many beautiful girl names, why would you choose this?
Noa IS NOT from Noah.
People who don't know the origin, please don't write nonsense and just search up!
The name Noa also has an Arabic origin with the meaning of "intent" or "desire".
This name comes across as incomplete to me and I don't care for it on a girl regardless of whatever anyone claims.
The name Noa was given to 389 girls born in the US in 2016.
In the Spanish countries Noa is a female name. Very popular girl name especially in the North of Spain. The masculine form for Noa is Noe.
The sound of Noa is very female as in Spanish usually the ending for a female name is an a. For example Lorena, Andrea, Maria, Lucia, Julia. Etc.
My little girl is called Noa. She loves her name.
Please correct your information in this page. Yes Noa is Biblical, but not a form if Noa. It is a name in itself with a different meaning. It's very common in Israel too. [this name's definition links to NOAH(2), a distinct entry from NOAH(1) -ed]
We named our daughter Noa. I think it sounds really feminine, and I loved how it was traditional but still sounded modern. There's a perfume called 'Noa' and a ladies clothes shop called 'Noa Noa' so I always knew it was a girl's name, but I have been surprised by how unusual people think it is in the UK. I've got Spanish and Dutch friends and they've told me it's a really common name back home. I hope my little girl loves her name!
I love NOA for a girl. But I'd probably only use it as a middle name due to the popularity of Noah for a boy. (And I love Noah for a boy too!)
As many others have said, Noa and Noah are completely different names. My daughter is Noa Sharon and I've had nothing but compliments about her name. There are very few Jewish people living in my city (Dundee, East Scotland) so it's not a name people here have really heard being used for females but only very rarely has someone asked why she has a boys name- so I educate them about it's Hebrew and Japanese origins. People love it. I love it. Suits my beautiful girl perfectly. :)
I don't like this name and I wouldnt use it in an English speaking country. Sure, it's a legitimately feminine name, but it still sounds the same as Noah, which is super popular and trendy on boys.
Noa is not a variation of Noah, it is not a cutesy feminization of Noah. It is a legitimate Old Testament female name. In addition to being a common Israeli name, it means love in Japanese and is a common female name not only there but throughout much of the non English speaking world. Spelled just like that. Get a life, read a book, there is life beyond the US.
I agree. It may be beneficial for you in life to learn the facts before spouting nonsense. My baby name is Noa and Noey is her nickname.
I strongly believe that this is the perfect, acceptable spelling for a girl, NOT 'Noah' as Noah should only be used for boys since it's a MASCULINE name. The female name 'Noa' has a lovely Japanese meaning too. ^^
Noa (נועה) is actually a female Hebrew name meaning movement. It is not related to the name Noah/Noach, which spelled in Hebrew is נח.
The name Noa was given to 68 baby boys born in the US in 2012. Despite the spelling and the fact that it ends in a, I still think this name is way to masculine sounding to be used on girls.
I find this a good feminine variant of the name Noah.
Haha. I like it. Still seems a little masculine to me though. :P
Noa Tishby; an Israeli actress who has appeared on 'NCIS.'
If anyone would bother to read carefully, they would see that this is listed as the Hebrew form of Noah(2), which is a feminine name UNRELATED to the male Noah(1). Apparently Noah(1) is pronounced something like no-ahkh in Hebrew and Noah(2) is pronounced no-ah, so the gender confusion doesn't occur in the names' original language. But still, reading comprehension 101, people.
I've read a manga called 'Ultra-Cute' and one of the two main protagonists is Noa.
I love the sound of this name. I would name a son Noah or a daughter Noa. It would of course either be a son name Noah or a daughter named Noa, not both because it would be weird to have 2 kids named Noa and Noah.
The feminine form of the name Noa isn't derived from the name Noah. It was the name of the first entitled female heir in the Old Testament.
I absolutely love this name. I like how it can fit either a girly-girl, or it can fit the most tomboyish girl on earth.
This is the stage name the Israeli singer-song writer Achinoam Nini uses outside of Israel.
Very pretty. On a girl too!
Noa is a Hebrew feminine name, but is NOT a version of Noah the boy's name. The Hebrew letters are different. Noa means "quaking", "trembling" or "movement". Noah means "comfort".
Pronounced noh-ah.
Noa is only for girls.
My name is Noa. It's really, really popular for girls in Israel, I think it's number one, and that's annoying sometimes. But other than that, it's fine. And by the way, the only time it was mentioned in the bible, as far as I know, was as one of Zelophehad's daughters.
It's first mentioned in the bible on the moment that the land was divided between the sons. The father of Noa Zippora had no sons so they asked Mozes to give her fathers what should be his, otherwise his name would be vanished. Mozes agreed. The meaning is not certain but maybe it means see how moves a lot (I don't know the exact word in English for it).
The name Noa is not a form of the name Noah! Noa is a name for females, in the Old Testament Noa was the sister of Merav.
In the Bible Noa was not the sister of Merav, Michal was. Noa's sisters were Hoglah, Mahlah, Milcah, and Tirzah. They were the daughters of Zelophehad, who is mentioned in the books of Numbers and Joshua.

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