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Gender Feminine
Usage Sumerian
Pronounced Pron. Ninella  [key]

Meaning & History

A name for Ninella as "lady of the earth".

Ninella, 'the pure Lady' The child of Enki and Ninella was the ancestor of mankind.

The Sumerian account of Beginnings centres around the production by the gods of water, Enki and his consort Ninella, of a great number of canals bringing rain to the desolate fields of a dry continent. Life both of vegetables and animals follows the profusion of the vivifying waters.

Yet Enki and his goddess consort Ninella, are represented as ruling over mankind in a place and a state which recalls the Hebrew Eden in all but the brief sojourn of humanity within its blessed boundaries.. Not Eden, but Dilmun, is the name of that happy country a land as Ninella describes it, without in firmitj, without sin, without storms, wild beasts, or death-wheie men reached fabulous age...
Added 6/20/2014 by anonymous