When I was a kid I thought this name was a girls name- probably because of the Elton John song and video where he was in love with a Russian girl named Nikita.
Why are so many people denying this being an Indian name? Plenty of people like Nikita Anand, Indian model, Nikita Thukral, Indian actress, and Nikita Willy, Indonesian actress and singer.
― Anonymous User 12/10/2019
You could say Nikita is a unisex name. It's traditionally an Indian feminine name and a Slavic masculine name. My name is Nikita. I'm an Indian girl. So to everyone who's saying it's not a feminine Indian name, you're wrong. I have met other Nikitas in my lifetime too. I had 2 in my school. It's a fairly common name here and has been for like forever. Exactly like in the Slavic countries (Russia). :)It has tons of meanings in various languages. All good, thankfully. My personal favorites are victorious, unconquerable and Earth.
I think Nikita is a great and beautiful name! I myself see it as a masculine one, but that may be because I live almost next to Russia. I chose Nikita as my name by myself because I think it sounds good and strong.
Ummm...people, just saying, but it seems like only a few of you have realized that names may have multiple origins? Nikita has Russian origins, yes, but it also has been used in other countries, languages and cultures... This is why I don't get the comments which say that it is, "100%," of one nationality or another.
― Anonymous User 5/15/2018
Nikita Klaestrup is a Danish politician and model. She's really pretty.
Nikita Willy is an Indonesian actress and pop singer. Willy started her career in the entertainment world in Indonesia at the age of 7 years by starring in a soap operas titled "Bulan dan Bintang". The artist with Minangkabau ancestry has since become more famous, with the Dime Novel role in a soap opera with Evan Sanders. Willy trained in mixed martial arts and Judo.
I LOVE my name, Nikita! It is beautiful and exotic and it's VERSATILE! Male or female, it is a bad ass name and only chosen for courageous, wild, smart and victorious souls. That guy who said the only NIKITAS he has met seem to have an IQ no higher than a 50..? Really, how many have you met? That is a pretty low IQ comment if you ask me. But carry on with your boring generic self.
I kinda have mixed feelings about this name. Nikita was the name of my very beautiful horse, which is probably why I dislike it a bit less than I did before. But for some reason, everybody named Nikita (at least where I live) are either teenage moms or acts like they have an IQ around 50 - so that's always what I think about whenever there's a girl with this name. And I have honestly always seen it more as a boys name anyway.
― Anonymous User 7/31/2016
Nikita is an awesome name because it has so many different meanings and it's also an Indian originated name for Hindu girls. My name is Nikhitha and I'm from Kerala in India. It means earth, victory, courageous, the list is big.
In the US, most names ending in -a are feminine. I have seen a few boys but they seemed feminine because of the -a. Girls names ending in -a are common, while boys usually have names ending in other letters. If you live in the United States, don't name a boy this. For boys use Nikolas or Nikolai if you consider names ending in 'a' feminine.
Well, Nikita is definitely an Indian name. In India it is used only for girls and in Russia it's used for both boys and girls. My name is Nikita and I'm an Indian girl :-)
It's so funny, every time I come across a Russian or Ukrainian person and I tell them my name they ask me, am I Ukrainian. My reply, " No, I'm just black sir" LOL. Hey, we're all mixed with something, but Russian or Ukrainian I am not. I love my name, my sister named me after a girl in our neighborhood. The spelling of my name is Nakeita. Have any of you come across someone with the same first and last name? I have and I thought it was rare and would never happen, but it has.
If you look at the Stone carving of the goddess Nike at the ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus, you can see the women with wings. From Wikipedia: Nike (/ˈnaɪki/; Greek: Νίκη, "Victory", Ancient Greek: [nǐːkɛː]), in ancient Greek religion, was a goddess who personified victory, also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory.[1] The Roman equivalent was Victoria. Depending upon the time of various myths, she was described as the daughter of the Titan Pallas and the goddess Styx, and the sister of Kratos (Strength), Bia (Force), and Zelus (Zeal). But it is also popular for both boys and girls like Michel / Michele.
Ok all of y'all saying that Nikita is not used for girls and that you will never find a girl named Nikita SHUT UP PLEASE I'M A GIRL AND MY NAME IS NIKITA. I've known another girl to be named Nakita and that's how she spelled it.
I'm not truly sure about this name. It may be a Russian boy's name, but (probably through association of La Femme Nikita) I see it as a feminine name. But it is an interesting little name.
Actually, the name Nikita does have an Indian, specifically Hindu, origin. In Sanskrit, this is a female's name only. In other parts of the world, I've heard this to mean victory or unconquerable, and prominently used for males. When used for Indian people, it does come from Sanskrit, a language equivalent to Latin in its age and complexity, and is usually used to mean "Earth," "Ganges," or alternatively, one who is intelligent and stable. Stability is the key meaning behind this name when traced back to its Sanskrit origins. I'm Indian, a girl, and have extensively learnt about what my name means and where it is from. If anyone has any doubts that this name is not Indian or does not have an Indian origin, I would suggest that they look up some of the older scriptures in Hindu mythology. It is indeed another name for Earth or the river Ganges, as these two were known for their consistency and stability.
One of the reasons Nikita began to be used in the UK and other areas as a feminine name was because of the Elton John song "Nikita", released in 1985. Some parents apparently misinterpreted it as a heterosexual love song, because Nikita sounds quite like a feminine name in English, similar to Nicola and Nicole (perhaps they disregarded the association with Nikita Khrushchev). I daresay Elton John, who is openly gay and knew Nikita was a male Russian name, would be amused. Another reason why Nikita is sometimes used as a feminine name is because of the Luc Besson film "Nikita", released in 1990, in which the titular character is a female French assassin. It is unknown why Besson chose Nikita as a name for a female character - perhaps he too had misinterpreted the Elton John song. The film has several TV spin-off series as well, including the Canadian "La Femme Nikita" (1997-2001) and a new American series entitled "Nikita" which has ran since 2010, all of which feature a female character named Nikita.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2012
I know a girl of Indian heritage named Nikita, so I'm pretty sure it's an Indian feminine name also.
We have named our son Nikita, born in 1994. Popular to misbelief (one anonymous user already touched on this subject previously), the name started shifting towards the feminine side after 1985, mainly due to Elton John not quite 'coming out of the closet' back then due to commercial reasons (very similar to George Michael from Wham, who was a teenage heartthrob until he truly 'came out'). The Elton John's video shows a female Russian soldier but in fact was written for & about a male Russian soldier! Very romantic & dramatic story/lyrics either way. My son, making his way through his early teenage years was somewhat reluctant to use his first name due to so many parents naming their daughters Nikita... but, at 19 years of age, he's over it now and proud of his name! It is actually considered a very masculine name in Eastern Europe, with some origin from Greek & Latin mythology, adopted by Eastern Europe & Russia through migration of diverse cultures blending. Choosing your newborn's name is difficult and at some point I regretted the name we chose, because of the very common response towards the name as in 'Oh, so it's a girl', etc., in his early childhood due to perhaps narrow minded & flippant people out there but now he fully grasps the meaning behind his name & the reason we chose it; he is wearing it proud! I think it has something to do with the 'a' at the end of his name that makes people think it's a girls name?! Sure, my first name is Andreas and my second name is Sascha... I prefer Sascha anytime and in fact I have used Sascha since I was in conscript military due to most people not being able to pronounce Andreas correctly so..., since 1992 my name is Sascha and not many people know my first name is Andreas! Funny enough, in my teen years I dated a girl named Sasha (same pronunciation).., awkward at times but; So What?! What's in a name anyway? A lot of up' & down's until you can truly embrace it and be proud to embrace it! Needless to say my son's second name is Andreas..., not that I'm Russian (still; Eastern European descent and nothing wrong with being Russian) but I do like the tradition of passing on ones first name to a sibling as a second name. Traditions are fading these days but come on! It's something most of us look back to! May sound Indian.., even native American Indian, female but definitely not! It's a really cool male name..., shortened to Nik it's way cooler than the similar Nick. If anyone has objections here about male, female or other names..., why aren't we all just simply called John or George. Again, nothing against these two names but perhaps overused and may impede ones identity once faced by multiples of the same name. None of the names used lately are unique but at least some are not over used, even though traditional in some countries, still sound way cool & refreshing. Don't be afraid to use the name Nikita for a girl if you wish, no one is objecting to that! It's a beautiful & soft name either way, even though it does stand for 'unconquered/unconquerable' and further back in history as 'victorious'. Nothing wrong with 'Girl Power'!
PS; Bunko0, If the girl of Indian Heritage you know is 400+ years old and her name is a heritage to India or she has contributed to history in any other way then if you're still sure it's an Indian name...?! I know girls, or to be precise; I have heard of girls named Nikita in several countries, including Australia but still, in this example it doesn't qualify as a native Australian name. It's popular, I agree and the popularity is worldwide, especially after the mid 80's and early 90's due to mainly Elton John and later moviemakers who possibly 'piggybacked' on the popularity of the name used in John's song. I hope you don't take any offence from this but please see the bigger picture. One's name from one country doesn't make their name native! Back to John & George..., lot's of them in Australia but definitely not native! There are several abbreviations of the name Nikita (and other great names) throughout the world which explains migrations of tribes & ultimately, in several cases, full nations, settling in different parts of the world. Most names in use today have a background somewhere in history, mythical or other, perhaps excluding the 60's & 70's 'Hippy' times when people used to name their kids after flowers or anything that came to their minds at the time. Still..., some fabulous names came from those days and that's after all our contribution to history! Not my generation, I'm the following one but; I wish it was!
To me Nikita is definitely a girl's name, not a boys. Also, I know a girl named Nikitha, which I think is much nicer as it takes off that sharp sound that Nikita has.
― Anonymous User 2/19/2011
Nikita, Nicetas, Nikitas (Niki, Nike) is of Greek origin...%100 Greek. Niki, Nike means VICTORY in Greek and Nikita(s) means the victorious one (man). Therefore Nikita(s) is originally a masculine name (Niki, Nike is the feminine form). I should know because I'm Greek and Niki is my first name. All the other countries that use this name only adopted it just like every other Greek name.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2010
Nikita is a total boys name all over Eastern Europe, even as we speak it is in the top 5/10 most popular BOYS names. Nikhita has nothing to do with this name at all.
― Anonymous User 9/18/2010
Nikita is indeed an Indian name as well as Russian. It's possible for a name to have more than one origin. In India, Nikita is a feminine name translated either as "earth" or, occasionally, "sleep" (from Sanskrit).
Why is this name posted as "masculine" when the popularity says only females have had this name?
― Anonymous User 8/6/2010
The name popularity as shown on this site is only for U.S.A and the Netherlands, where it is used mostly for girls. The name however originated as male and most Nikitas worldwide are male, in places such as Russia and the Ukraine.
Sure, this name is masculine for the Russians, it's tradition. But for another people it sounds so girlish.
― Anonymous User 2/8/2010
I'm not fond of this name. It sounds fine on a boy as long as he's Russian, but otherwise it sounds too girly. Nikita makes me think of a mean, sharp-tongued woman.
I know a little girl named Nikhita "Niki". I have been told (by Niki's Sis) that Nikhita (with an "H") is a Indian spelling.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2009
In France Nikita is sometimes used as a girl's name (and this use is also becoming popular in other parts of Europe) but in Russia and the Ukraine it's always a boy's name.
Nikita is a Russian name, true. It's also a popular Indian name. Originally spelt as Nikhita, (after going through a lot of confusing Indian baby name sites, I've concluded that it means either "sharp" or "the earth") it is also spelt as Nikitha or Nikita. Still not too sure about what it means, but I'm sure it's an Indian name. One of best friends in primary school was called Nikita. I moved, so we're not in touch anymore, but I'm positive it was Nikita.
Ahh. YES IT IS AN INDIAN NAME! There were % Nikita's (girls) at my friend's school where she grew up. (she has never ever left INDIA to study ever!) And including herself that makes SIX (6) NIKITA's! That was only in her class too. Hmm.
― Anonymous User 2/13/2007
Nikita is an name occasionally used in Russia and Ukraine. Nikita is not an Indian name like the person above me explained. It is never used in the Indian name section. You might see a girl called Ankita or Kakita in India, but that is not short or a nickname for Nikita. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and I know that Nikita is not an Indian name. PS, my name IS Nikita. :)
Nikita is purely masculine name in Russia (and also in Ukraine), you won't find any female Nikita here! Though I like it on a girl. :-) But not in Russian speaking countries, because the girl with a masculine name would be teased here.
The name Nikita isn't just a girl name, it's also a boy name. My name is Nikita and I'm a boy. If your a boy and your name is Nikita and you see it's a girl name it's not just a girl name.
Nikita is the coolest name ever! Even if it's used for girls more I DON'T CARE. My name is Nikita and I'm a boy. Nikita also means unconquerable, that's awsome. I think if people have babies they should name them Nikita. The name can have lots of nicknames too.