Looks like Nicole.
If I could think of something besides a Romanian communist dictator, I might like it. I do like Nikolai though.
Prince Nicolae of Romania was the second son of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Romania.
I can't help but think of Ceauşescu when I hear this name, but that may be because I don't live in Romania and don't know how common Nicolae is there.
This would be such a beautiful name, were it not for Nicolae Ceausescu!
I can't look at the name and think it's anything but charming.
Nicolae Ceausescu was the Communist leader of Romania during the Soviet takeover in Eastern Europe during the Cold War. He was brought to trial and executed for crimes against humanity.
Nicolae Paulescu was the Romanian biologist who discovered insulin.
Nicolae Bălcescu (1819 - 1852) was a Romanian Wallachian soldier, historian, journalist, and leader of the 1848 Wallachian Revolution.
Nicholas is a good solid name, but Nicolae Jetty Carpathia is the name of the AntiChrist in Tim LaHaye's Left Behind series.
Pronounced: Nik-o-LIE.

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