Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Love this name, very handsome.
Nicholas is such a handsome name, even if it is Nick, it is still handsome. It may be too common, but it is probably because it gives you good vibes, lifts you up, maybe makes you smile. If your name is Nicholas, you are special. Something about the name just makes it sparkle. 10/10 name. Positive, handsome, and uplifting.
A classic name with an empowering meaning.
I like the 3 syllable pronunciation but don’t care for the 2 syllable one.
For my whole life, my name has been 'Nicholas', however everyone calls me 'Nick'. One of my friends is also called 'Nicholas', but his nickname is 'Nico'. It's a great name, I really enjoy the sound of it.
Sounds like a girl’s name.
Absolutely gorgeous. This is such a classic, beautiful boy's name. There are so many amazing things about it. It has many nicknames, such as Nick, Nico, Cole. It ages amazingly well, you can imagine someone of any age called Nicholas. And it’s super Christmassy too. I adore this name so much.
Nicholas is such a good, timeless name! You seriously can't go wrong with the name Nicholas and the nickname, Nick.
Sounds like necklace.
I love that Nicholas is the name of the day on Christmas day! It’s one of my all time favourite boy names :) Very handsome, crisp, smooth, classic, and comes with the awesome nicknames Nick and Cole.
It's such a good name and wonderful to name your son after Saint Nicholas! Also very handsome!
Pretty good, but I like Nicolas or Nikolai better!
Handsome and strong name.
Nicholas is a good name. Love it.
I think the name is a nice classic. It's a great name that's timeless, really. I still prefer the Eastern-European spelling, Nikolas or Nikolai, though.
Classic name.
Really common name, but I don't see much appeal about this. Feels a little bit dry and just, well simply to say, just boring. Doesn't seem very elegant. Boring name!
Way too overused here, whether as a first name or middle name, but I still love it.My younger brother has it as his middle name. I've met 5 boys called Nicholas in my life too.
Tired and outdated.
I just realized I hadn't yet commented on my favorite masculine name.I don't care that it's becoming a bit "dated" for my generation; to me, Nicholas has perfect flow and balance between soft and strong sounds (it's neither weak nor "macho"). And you absolutely cannot go wrong with the "nickname" Nick. It's just... *chef's kiss*.
I have two friends named Nicholas. One is spelt as Nicholas and the other is spelt as Nickolas. I like the name Nicholas. Very nice name.
My brother's name, he goes by Nick. Call me immature, but when I get mad at him I call him Nicholas because he hates it so much.
I think Nicholas is an okay name. I love my brother though. :)
This is my name. I've always been called my full name within my family and prefer it, so it was kind of weird when I started going to school and my classmates/teachers would automatically call me Nick without even asking if that was what I preferred. Nowadays, people will still call me Nick and I don't bat an eye. My close friends and family know what I prefer.
In grade school, there were always six guys named Nick in my grade (five Nicholas and one Nikolas) Some were nicer and smarter than others though.
Very handsome :)
An amazing name for a boy or a man. Even though it is so common, I still love it. This form is very nice without being shortened to Nick, and it has forms in many languages and is used in so many countries.
Well, I happen to be a Nicholas and as a child I didn't appreciate it at all. The the kids would call me "Nickelodeon" thanks to being born 3 years before the children's network debuted, so they had a field day and would send me into instant tears. Not to mention as a man of color I was often asked why did I have a "white" name. I know, ignorant right? As I matured and grew into my name I'm now very proud of it and I feel a sense of regality when I utter it from from my lips. I couldn't imagine being named anything else, especially after my parents told me what they were going to name me thank God they went in that direction -Nicholas Scott.
I think Nicholas as a name is a good name.
This name is HORRIBLY common where I live. It has lost its spark.
I would rather name my son Nicholas, than my daughter Nicole or Nikita.
People named Nicholas are always wise/intelligent, humble and polite.
This is too common a name, Cole is much better than Nick.
This is the best name ever.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this name, but I definitely wouldn't go by the nickname "Nick". "Cole" sounds a lot better.
My name is Nicholas as you can see below as my username, but I’m not just saying this because this is my name but I think it is a great name. My parents told me they were going to name me something else when I was born but I’m glad they didn’t. Anyone who hates this name I don’t care, just search up another name please.
This name is trash.
That's my name and I think it's kinda common where I live.
Nicholas is a cool name with a cool meaning. I like the short form Nick.
Love Nicholas! I plan to name my son Nicholas. Not after St. Nick (Christmas) but St. Nicholas of Tolentino (patron saint of animals).
My name is Nicholas, everyone calls me Nick. I used to hate my name, but now that I'm actually thinking about my name I'm starting to like it a lot! I think it's a great name!
People with this beautiful name are reliable to suffer but will triumph at last and will surely be a victor and not a victim.
It's a nice sounding name, and when I was little I named a stuffed giraffe toy I had Nicholas, ha ha. But over the years I lost a lot of my liking for it, as it sounds boring to me now, and I don't love the nickname Nick.
I've always loved my name, I can't think of any other name I'd rather have. It suits me perfectly. I go by Nick more often than Nicholas, but I like both forms just as much. I think they kind of balance each other out; the short form is more informal, but it has a nice ring to it and is really masculine, while Nicholas is more formal and refined.
My boyfriend's name is Nicholas and my name is Nikel. We both call each other Nick/Nik usually and it really bothers him when people spell his nickname as "Nich." Yes, that may be how his name is correctly spelled fully, but he prefers it as Nick. I also have a friend named Niklaus (Neek-lows). He prefers to go by Nik and is often infuriated when people call him Neek. Nicholas is a very nice sounding name to me. And all of the confusion between Nick, Nik, Nich, and Neek can be solved quite easily if we just ask people how they prefer their name to be spelled and/or said.
A very strong name for strong people. Fits anyone on special assignment, to save the people; liberate the people; bring hope, freedom and emancipation to the people. NICOLE is the name I am inspired to take for my beloved daughter.
Way too overused.
Nicholas is good strong name in my opinion. I love the fact it can be shortened to Nick as well.
This is the best name ever imnsho. Like other people said, it is a good strong name and I love the meaning. I love this name.
Nicholas is a handsome and very classy name. I can't find any faults with this name so I rate this name 10/10. I know a Nicholas who's totally nice and polite. :)
A handsome and classy name that will a suit a male at any age. I definitely want to name my son this (if I ever have one!).
Pretty much the most classy and handsome sounding boys name I've ever heard.
Nicholas is okay, it's not the best, but not the worst. My older brother's name is Nicholas, but few people call him Nick. He doesn't really like Nick, so my family doesn't call him that. The name Nicholas is a very strong-like name, too!
I am mixed on this name. In high school, there was a jocky kid I loathed named Nicholas, but also, my father's friend name was Nicolas (no H) and he was unbelievably nice, but the high school Nicholas still kind of ruins it for me. I also hate the nickname "Nick".
This is one of those names that sound lovely in the full version (Nicholas), but have been kind of ruined by the nicknames (Nick). To me, Nick sounds like a guy from a 90s boy band! Nicholas, on the other hand, sounds strong and handsome.
I love Nicholas. I wish more people would go by Nicholas rather than Nick. Nick is nice too, but nowhere near as handsome as Nicholas, in my opinion :)
I love this name, along with the nickname Nick, although unfortunately there aren't very many people who just go by Nicholas. It's a classic name that to my surprise was extremely popular in the 90's. I mean, I knew it was popular, but I didn't know it had been in the top 10. Despite it's popularity, I've only known one person named Nicholas, (nick) and one boy named Nicolas, who went by his full name. I prefer Nicholas personally.
Nicholas is a great name. It's classic, yet not boring. The nickname Nick has always reminded me of a strong, good-looking guy, and Nicky is adorable for a little boy.
Yeah, this is a nice name. But the other day, my friend was trying to tell me a story about something that happened to her, and there was not one, not two, but THREE Nicks involved which made it very hard to understand! It took forever to finish the story because I was confused about what Nick she was talking about every time she said "Nick"! Anyway, it was pretty comical, and lead me to believe thoroughly that this name has been used waaaaay too much!
I love the name Nicholas. It's handsome, masculine, adorable, and a timeless classic with plenty of nickname options. Plus it's just really fun to say. Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas... yep, got a ring to it. I like it.
Nicholas is my all-time favorite male name. It seems perfect. For me it brings thoughts of a tall, attractive, strong man who is smart and comical, but can be serious if need be. I usually hate nicknames (funny that I hate 'nick'names) but love "Nick" for a nickname. Go figure.
My sons name is Nicholas and he is 7 years old. When I hear the name Nicholas I think of a handsome boy or man with a cheeky/charming personality. This description matches my son Nicholas perfectly. I think it's a great name. Nicknames my son gets are Nick, Spud-Nick, Nicky etc.
I never liked this name and I remember when I was little me and my friend used to joke and laugh and my friend would see Nicholas and call him "hi Nichol-A**"
This is a gorgeous name with a great meaning, but it's soooo popular.
I like this name a lot. I'd nickname them Nick or when they're little Nicky. This name sounds strong and wholesome.
It's a good classic name but to me it always sounded a bit Eastern European.
Honestly I know it's a popular name, but I don't think I know enough Nicholas's.
I used to love this name and its nickname counterpart "Nick", but now the name is so overused. I know at least 25 Nicks!
I had strongly considered this name for my baby, but a family name won over. I still love this name, it's a strong name, pretty, and sexy. Sounds like a clever person, too.
I don't really like it. It sounds very English and upperclass like Richard, Michael and Jonathon.
When I think of this name it says sexy, joyful and pure in heart and intelligent.
I like this name. It is my cousin's name. It is very common where I live, but I still like it. I also like the meaning of it "victory of the people".
I'm English and looking at this website I spell my name Nicholas with an H and it really winds me up when people spell it NICOLAS because that isn't even English so get it right!
I like this name but I hate Nicky as I always thought it was a short form of Nicola not Nicholas.
I love the nickname Cole for Nicholas. =)
I love the name Nicholas. It is so great. My name is Nicholas! The best thing is your nickname is Nick.
In my opinion, this is a terrific name. If I ever have a son I plan on naming him Nicholas Brendan. *GORGEOUS*
My dad's name is Nicholas which he shortens it to Nick. What I hate is that a lot of people think he spells Nick Nich, but I have never met anyone named Nick spelled like that! I think it fits him.
Makes me think of old fat guys in furry red suits. ho ho ho!
Nicholas is a great name, strong, rugged, handsome is what comes to mind.
The name of my great grandfather, Nicholas is one of the few males names in my family tree that I would pass on to a son if I had one. It is a strong name in my opinion.
My brother's name is Nick and I think the name is quite classy and cute.
I think if I ever have twins I would name them Nicholas and Nicole.

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