This is my name, but spelled with an H at the end (due to family tradition). I like it, though I did go through periods of disliking it as a teenager. I wasn't teased as much by other kids at school, more so by adults. In the work world, people do frequently make fun of my name and call me other states or Las Vegas, etc. So that is one downside. I go by Nev as a nickname, pronounced the same as Neve Campbell (she is one of my favorite actresses so that is why I go by this nickname). But there are plenty of nickname options for this name like Ada, Eva, Vada, Nev/Neve, Neva, Addy, etc. I've never met another Nevada(h) but I have seen another Nevadah on social media, and I've met Neva's and Nevaeh's. With Nevaeh getting so common, I predict Nev will become more and more common as a nickname. I may go by a more "normal" nickname such as Ada or Eva later in my career, since I do tend to have issues with people making fun of the name. As an adult, I generally do like my name, and I wouldn't change it. I do plan on naming my children more "traditional" names in an attempt to save them from some of the mocking I have gone through, but then again, many names get made fun of, even common and traditional names.
My state is a human name. Geez... Ya'll make a name out of anything.Just know that your kid's name will be Snowy, even if you don't understand Spanish.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2022
Sounds ridiculous to me, and it is a state in the US.
People neglect that this is a word in Spanish and it came before the state. There's lots of people named Dakota, Indiana, Virginia, York, etc and no one says a word.
Really sucks how much hate my name has... I honestly love my name, Nevada Joe. I am a GIRL but my dad spelled my middle name like a boy because he thought it would help in the business world. Believe it or not it actually got me an interview once just because the guy was intrigued that I had marked female and had a name more associated with men. I was named after a great aunt about 6 generations back. She married into the family and got the last name White when she did; making her name, officially, Snow White. Also, I love the fact that in fifth grade there were 4 Brittany's, 2 Ashley's, 2 Tyler's, and 3 Austin's all in my class. Maybe 20 kids in that class but there was only 1 Nevada. However there is ONE thing that sucks about my name... I bet my dad I would meet another person named Nevada when I was about 6 and 20 years later I still haven't met one... I may have to pay up a whole $5. :) I honestly love having a name that isn't popular at all and my daughter will hopefully have the same love for her name, Claribel James, after my Grandmother's and my husband's middle names.
Screams "American", that's for sure. It's better than some other state name possibilities (Please welcome, Ms. Wyoming Anderson/Kentucky Johnson, etc) but while it certainly SOUNDS like a name, if you plan on traveling outside of the US I don't recommend it. Also, isn't Nevada like... basically empty? Kind of a weird state to name your kid after.
― Anonymous User 3/8/2019
Doesn't sound too bad, but the girl will probably be teased at school.
To the people suggesting that this is "purely a place name", it actually has a favorable meaning in Spanish. Also someone said Massachusetts and Colorado. I think Colorado sounds very nice and I believe Nevada is a nice name as well.
There's nothing wrong with Nevada, or the lovely mountain range, but I don't like state names at all for a child! Victoria and Adelaide are place names I like, but they're exceptions. I don't see anything particularly charming about the name itself, either. It doesn't even have a nice sound!
It reminds me of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It's probably that impression that makes me like the name. With me being European the Nevada state association I don't mind it.
Place names are tacky, I'm afraid, and people will always associate the name with the state, and it's not necessarily good. The name doesn't sound very classy or pretty, and the child might end up disliking the state.