Whose fault is it that English speakers turned a similar word into something negative? Why, the very people who find this name so humorous! Negar is a truly beautiful, elegant name, and just because it looks like a slur does not mean it should be the target of mocking and abuse. Maybe it's time for some folks to broaden their horizons and stop making juvenile jokes. Respect goes a long way, people!
― Anonymous User 5/18/2024
It is really funny and stupid to confuse the original and historical Iranian name with a rude word! Even with different spelling and pronunciation! In fact, Negar means love and a girl with a beautiful face, which famous Iranian poets such as Hafez, Saadi, Molana, etc. have used this name in many of their poems.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2023
The meaning is so sweet despite the fact that it sounds like a slur. If I was Persian I would name my daughter this.
― Anonymous User 4/8/2023
This is my name and I love it =) The meaning of the name is so beautiful...also looks romantic when you pronounce it =)
― Anonymous User 4/2/2023
Sorry Anglophones but just because you f*ed up using a word, doesn't mean everyone else should stop using similar sounding words/names.
What an awful name, Persian or not there are far prettier names like Nadia and Parisa that are of Persian origin.
― Anonymous User 1/24/2022
English speakers need to understand that there are other languages & names in the world. Would this be a good name to use in the western/English world? Probably not, but let's not knock other cultures/languages by saying that they're wrong.