Not to be that person, but I knew someone who used this in her email username (Nefertiti_hername) in high school. And of course teenagers being what they are, loved to point out that the last 2 syllables of the name sounds like a certain rude slang word. She was embarrassed out of using that email.So if you're thinking of this name, keep that in mind.
― Anonymous User 3/13/2023
Nefertiti A. Walker is the Interim Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the Isenberg School of Management. She formally played Division 1 NCAA women's basketball at Georgia Tech before transferring to Stetson University.
There is an asteroid called 1068 Nofretete discovered on 13 September, 1926. There is also a near-Earth object called 3199 Nefertiti discovered on the same day but in 1982. The former uses the German variant, was named by a German astronomer. The latter is named by American astronomers.
This is my name. I've always loved it. Though those who know nothing of my name tend to poke fun. It never gets me down. It just shows their ignorance. I'm thinking of naming my daughter after one of the Queen's daughters.
This is one of my favorite names. It sounds so very exotic, like the name Cleopatra, except not as over-used. I've always been fond of ancient Egyptian culture, art, and religion.
Well, it's quite a big name to have, isn't it? In English-speaking countries, having this name would surely be hell because of the ending. I bet the poor girl would get a lot of titty-jokes.
Nefertiti was from the kingdom of Nubia, and was therefore exotic and beautiful to the Egyptians. Her husband, Akhenaton, attempted to convert Egypt to monotheism.
Its a beautiful name, very exotic. Whenever I hear it it reminds me of those elegant busts of Nefertiti in her headress with the long necks. I would hardly give my daughter such a name though.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2005
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