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Also Ukrainian, spelled Наталя in Cyrillic.
Natalie Wood was born Natalya Zakharenko.
With 3 605 057 bearers, Natalya is the 6th most common feminine name in Russia (2014 Data). With 263 155 bearers, Natalya is the 5th most common feminine name in Belarus (2014 Data). With 249 655 bearers, Natalya is the 3rd most common feminine name in Kazakhstan (2014 Data). With 26 778 bearers, Natalya is the 9th most common feminine name in Kyrgyzstan (2014 Data). With 11 934 bearers, Natalya is the 7th most common feminine name in Transnistria (2014 Data).Source:
Natalya Romanova. Full stop.
My name is Natalya and I really love my name, when I was younger I didn't like it because people struggled to pronounce it or called me "Natalie" which I dislike and as a shy child I would get too embarrassed to correct people on how to say my name.
I tell people the easiest way to remember how to say it is Talia with an Na at the start.
When I got a bit older I loved it and was excited that there was a Bond girl named Natalya.
Today when I meet new people or even when they ask for my name for a coffee order I frequently get complimented on the name.
I would recommend to parents choosing a name that your daughter will grow to love it and be glad that you gave it!
Besides Nat, Talya is also a super cute nickname for Natalya.
It’s very pretty but I definitely prefer Natalia.
Natalya is a gorgeous name.
This sounds so much better than Natalie.
Natalya Rostova is a main character in Tolstoy’s War and Peace. She is mainly called Natasha.
Natalya Arlovskaya is the personification of Belarus from Hetalia.
I like this name a lot, especially compared to Natalie, which is still nice, but I like Natalya a lot better, and kind of because of the Y.
I think this name is really elegant and refined, and a good alternative to the ever-popular Natalie. I like how this name isn't too difficult to pronounce, because of its sister name Natalie, and also is very uncommon as well.
Natalya Arlovskaya, the representation of Republic of Belarus in an anime known as Hetaria (or, Hetalia), is one of the more major supporting characters.
This name is gorgeous. Xxx.
Natalya (1718-1725) was the daughter of Tsar Peter I of Russia (Peter the Great) and his second wife Ekaterina.
Natalya (1673-1716) was the daughter of Tsar Alexei I of Russia and his second wife Natalya.
I'm not usually a big fan of Russian names, but I have always liked Natalya. I first heard it several years ago in a movie about Russian spies. I fell in love with how it just seems to roll off the tongue. It's a keeper.
Female pro wrestler Natalie Neidhart is professionally known as "Natalya", she is a WWE Diva (what they call their women wrestlers) in World Wrestling Entertainment.
Natalya is a female assassin in Act III of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. She does not provide any goods or services for sale, but information. Rumored to appear in Diablo 3, hiring assassins for the player's party.
There is a character named Natalya in the novel Last of the Breed by Louis L'Amour.
Natalja´s pet forms: Nat, Natty, Natasha, Talja.
I like this name. I like Natalya Rose and Natalya Nicole myself.
I think this name is very beautiful.

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