Natalia has the texture of thick caramel and I can imagine a Natalia having a sister called Clara. I prefer Natalie to Natalia but I can't stand the nickname Nat.
― Anonymous User 12/16/2022, edited 12/16/2022
I never really understood my real name "Natalia" I always thought it was a common name until I realized only me and 2-3 other people had the same name as me in my school of 1506 students. So as I looked through the info it made it seem like the name was unique and I like my name more now. Natalia is a really beautiful name and I won't change it for anything else.
― Anonymous User 8/24/2022
This is my name. I used to dislike it and thought it was too girly, posh, snotty, frilly and sweet for me. (I was a tomboy). People sometimes call you Natalie or Nataleeeea. But now that I am an adult, I love it and think it's beautiful.I love that it is kinda international. I also love that it is familiar but also kinda unique, not that common and not overused. (Never met another Natalia before and was the only Natalia in my huge schools).
― Anonymous User 7/14/2022, edited 7/18/2022
I love the name and just named my newborn this. I liked it spelled “Nathalia” since it’s how I saw it when I first knew of it. I have only met one Nathalia and she was a Colombian girl. I love that the name is timeless, never overused nor extinct. I love that it is used in a ton of countries even if they have their own version of it.
I honestly dislike this name because it sounds too much like a “mean girl” name to me. I know I’m in the minority about it, but it kind of sounds snotty, too!
― Anonymous User 4/1/2022
Super pretty, I want my name to be this. I also like Naddlie It's a name I made up and used it on my elf.
This is definitely the most beautiful name I’ve ever heard. It’s so elegant, perfect and lovely. If I ever have a daughter, this will likely be her name. I love it so much.
When I hear the name "Natalia" I think of a strong warrior princess fighting for justice. I have a baby on the way (which is a girl) and this name would go perfect with my other daughter's names: Valentina & can always tell a good name when you read the comments of those who actually have this name. I don't understand why anyone could dislike this name...maybe those who prefer to have no gender or want unisex names for their kids? I really like this name and this is on my list!
I really love this name, it's one of the prettiest names in my opinion. I would name my child with this name, but unfortunately in my mother's family there is a rule where you cannot name your own child with the same name as one of your relatives and I already have a cousin named Natalia.
This is my name! I think it's very pretty (I may be biased, lol), and if you're thinking about giving your daughter this name: I would recommend it. I am of Polish descent, so in my family circle I'm called Natalka; which is the Polish diminutive of my name. Overall, this is a wonderful name.
I am in love with the name Natalia! In fact, it's the name of the main protagonist in my story. She has a brother named Martin. I love Natalie and Natasha, too. I am quite shocked that some people say this name is common, I haven't heard of any Natalias other than a few singers. :)
I've personally always liked the different versions of this name - Natasha, Natalia, Natalie, etc. It's just overall a very attractive name and has some cute nicknames like Nat, Lia, Allie, Tasha, etc. Just very pretty overall. :)
Way better than the nails on the chalkboard sounding Natalie.
― Anonymous User 11/18/2014
This is such a gorgeous name! :D It's better than the name Natalie in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 10/1/2014
This is my name, but I spell it Natahlia. I have never seen or met another Natalia who spells it the same, but my mother swears in the baby book it was spelled with an "h" haha. I've gone by Tally my whole entire life, rarely anyone ever calls me Natahlia. It's beginning to grow on me though!
― Anonymous User 3/17/2014
Whenever I hear the name Natalia I think of the word genitalia because they have similar endings... : / just ignore this comment.
― Anonymous User 1/4/2014
Natalia is so much better than Natalie. It's really spunky and sweet!
This is my little sister's name. Everyone in my family pronounces it "Nuh-tal-yuh" but her father pronounces it "Nuh-TALL-lee-uh." Both are correct, but I like the former one better. :) I think this is the best spelling out of any.I think it's a very pretty name with multiple nicknames- Talia, Lia, Tally, etc..It means "born on Christmas day," but almsot no one with this name is. XD Although it's quite common, I've only met two other people with this name, but one spells it "Natalya" and one spells it "Natalja".
I love the name Natalia! I actually prefer it over Natalie. I worked with a girl named Natalia and she was so sweet and intelligent. I always thought if I ever had a baby girl in December that I would name her Natalia.
Well, this is my name and as a kid I really hated it. It just sounded too complicated to me. And it was quite a unique name at the time I was born so I didn't meet any other girls with my name. But after some time I've really grown to love it. Now I wouldn't change it for anything. I also like that it's international and at the same time not too boring and overused. I think it's a beautiful and timeless name. :D
I love this name, probably because it's my name. =] A lot of times I get called Natalie at first. Annoying, but I've gotten used to it. Some people pronounce it two different ways - nah-TAH-lyah, the way it really is supposed to be pronounced, but most other people say it, nah-TAL-yah. I mostly go by Tali as a nickname, though. ^_^
Natalia is such a beautiful name! I like Natalie, but I much prefer Natalia. There's a story bouncing around in my head, and one of the main character's name is Natalia. I picked that because of its beauty and how uncommon it is. I strongly recommend this name!
It is my name and I have grown up to love it. It just rolls out of the tongue, is rather feminine and international so I barely have to spell it for other people when I'm abroad. All in all, I think it's a good name both for a girl and a woman.
Since this is my name, I've heard it pronounced both with a funny accent in the middle a. I just like to have it pronounced how it looks. I usually get called Natalie when people first read my name. It can get pretty annoying, but I'm used to it.
I think this name is very beautiful although I would not name my child it. It seems a little too fancy and I would use Natalie instead. When I hear it I want to say it with an accent or something but I would not want to constantly talk like that when I say the name. Kinda weird, but just my opinion.
― Anonymous User 11/9/2006
No offense intended to anyone but I really don't like this name, it seems snootish.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2006
Natalia is a pretty name. It's my little cousin's name and I think it's so cute. Everyone with that name is very lucky to have such a pretty name.