On Narayana's journey, each step is an earthquake of ardent passion. Narayana is a guiding star, allowing us to ask them questions about the world and why things are the way they are. Through all our differences, we walk on the same path -- to be remembered as fragile souls who accomplished great things before our final, fleeting breaths. There's a sea of emotions here, too: it's like falling in love. The color of hazel eyes, the smell of ink, the taste of rice.
The meaning given to this word is not very good. The proper division ("Sandhi") of this word is "Nar"+"Ayan". "Nar" means man or human and "Ayan" refers to the one holding or supporting the entity/idea. Therefore, the closest meaning is: the one who holds humanity. This is very similar to Atlas (God, not book) holding the world.
Pronounced "nah-rah-yah-nah".

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