Myrthe is also used as a masculine name in Dutch. However, it's more common for females. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be changed from "Feminine" to "Feminine & Masculine".Source:
The first vowel sounds more like a mix between ee, ay and ih.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2013
OK - not quite Myrthe, but Myrtha: the queen of the Wilis in the romantic ballet Giselle.Though I think the spelling with an e is much prettier.
― Anonymous User 3/27/2011
Pronounce it as: MEAR-thuh.
― Anonymous User 5/14/2006
In the French 'flowers language' the 'Myrthe / Myrtle' is known as the symbol of love (the blossoms of the flower are used a lot for bride decoration). The name is also used a lot in poems. In the Greek ancient times the name was popular in a lot of forms, like: - Myrtale - Myrtia
― Anonymous User 5/14/2006
The second wife of Socrates, the daughter of Artistides, bore the name: Myrto, which is a Greek form of the name Myrthe. Myrtis is also a Greek form of Myrthe.
― Anonymous User 5/14/2006
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