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Tanner is a gender neutral nickname for the name Montana in the context as an American English regional nickname (Appalachian).
The use of Montana as a name predates the existence of the US state of Montana... by far!Montana was used by Roman women as a cognomen, just like its masculine counterpart Montanus was used as a cognomen by Roman men.The Montanas are less well attested than the Montanuses, though - which is at least partly due to the position of women in Roman society.- general search for Montana at the Epigraphic Database of Heidelberg: (in English)
• Aponia Montana (2nd century AD): see page 483 of "Hidden Lives, Public Personae: Women and Civic Life in the Roman West" written by Emily Hemelrijk: (in English)
• Appaea Montana (era uncertain): (in English)
• Galeria Montana, mother of Galerius Montanus, a soldier of the Legio XI Claudia: see page 159 of "The Roman Army in Moesia Inferior" written by Florian Matei-Popescu: (in English)
• Luscia Montana (era uncertain): (in English)
• Montana, wife of Mauricius (6th century AD): see page 733 of "The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy" edited by Christer Bruun and Jonathan Edmondson: (in English)
• Petacia Montana (era not clear): see page 527 of "The World of Pompeii" edited by John J. Dobbins and Pedar W. Foss: (in English)
• Saturia Montana (era uncertain): (in English)
The name Montana was given to 125 girls and 71 boys born in the US in 2015.
It's masculine.

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