I think it sounds really cool, and could maybe work as an alternative to Dakota. Montana is solidly in the boys' category for me because of Montana Jordan, the actor who plays Georgie in "Young Sheldon".
Tanner is a gender neutral nickname for the name Montana in the context as an American English regional nickname (Appalachian).
My name is Montana. I'm a fiction writer and aspiring to major in space-systems engineering or a related field. Growing up, I didn't like my name because of the association with Hannah Montana-- which I personally blame for most of the negative and overly trendy or "tacky" associations with the name. Now that I'm an adult (and the impressions left from Hannah Montana are finally dying out), I can appreciate my name much more. I get compliments on it often, and, while I don't think this name is super rare, it doesn't seem overly common either, as I have only ever met two other people named Montana.While I see why many people consider this name feminine due to the "ana" sound at the end, I actually tend to see it as a very gender-neutral name that can be great for men or women. The name itself means "mountain" or "mountainous," which is a very strong image. If you do research on the impressions the name gives off, it does indeed give off the impression of strength and ruggedness-- which are most obvious-- but also the impression of a free-spirited individual. Frankly, to give your kid a name that makes people think of mountains is, in my opinion, pretty cool. I think the nickname Tana works well for girls, if you like that. It's cute. There's also a character from an old Spider-Man comic named Montana. He's not all that memorable, which is why you don't hear of him much. He's a low-tier villain, if I remember correctly. A cowboy, unsurprisingly. But nobody is gonna associate your kid with him if you decide to name them Montana. I only know who he is because I had the comic when I was small and thought it was cool we had the same name. And because I am a bit of a nerd.So, overall, I give this name a positive review, especially for those who may be naming their kid this now that Hannah Montana is finally a thing of the past.
This name isn't just associated with Hannah Montana. It's also associate with Tony Montana, the protantagonist from the 1980s movie Scarface, and both are probably unfortunate associations to many.
Montana Jordan an actor in the movie "Young Sheldon" playing the character George Cooper jr.
This is my first time even hearing or seeing the name. Anyway, I don’t think this name is exclusively male or female. I know a boy by the name Mountaga, which I guess is a little more boyish but still. As far as the name itself, I would prefer something else, but the sound isn’t half-bad.
The use of Montana as a name predates the existence of the US state of Montana... by far!Montana was used by Roman women as a cognomen, just like its masculine counterpart Montanus was used as a cognomen by Roman men.The Montanas are less well attested than the Montanuses, though - which is at least partly due to the position of women in Roman society.- general search for Montana at the Epigraphic Database of Heidelberg: (in English)
• Aponia Montana (2nd century AD): see page 483 of "Hidden Lives, Public Personae: Women and Civic Life in the Roman West" written by Emily Hemelrijk: (in English)
• Appaea Montana (era uncertain): (in English)
• Galeria Montana, mother of Galerius Montanus, a soldier of the Legio XI Claudia: see page 159 of "The Roman Army in Moesia Inferior" written by Florian Matei-Popescu: (in English)
• Luscia Montana (era uncertain): (in English)
• Montana, wife of Mauricius (6th century AD): see page 733 of "The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy" edited by Christer Bruun and Jonathan Edmondson: (in English)
• Petacia Montana (era not clear): see page 527 of "The World of Pompeii" edited by John J. Dobbins and Pedar W. Foss: (in English)
• Saturia Montana (era uncertain): (in English)
Very handsome. I like it as a boy's name.
Sounds feminine to me.
Sounds ridiculous, place-namey, and even a bit pretentious. It also reminds me of Hannah Montana.
Montana is ONLY for girls! Definitely not something for a guy!
Reminds me of Hannah Montana and the state.
I do not have a hard time picturing the name Montana on a boy! It’s attractive for a guy too! Also pretty for a girl! I love this name for both boys and girls, preferably girls.
My daughter's name is Montana Marie, she was born in 2015. I think it's the most beautiful UNCOMMON name and I get more compliments than you could ever imagine. I personally can't stand common names. I wouldn't change it for the the world! I'm 41 and I thought long and hard before naming her... Montana's true biblical name means Mountain. Have you ever seen a Mountain that wasn't beautiful?
In Bulgaria there is a place with the name Montana.
My 13 year old daughter's name is Montana or "Tana" for short. She was born in 2003 and the only time she didn't like her name was when people called her "Hannah Montana" and she would proudly say "I was Montana before Hannah Montana ever was"... she's had many many Hannah's in her class but is the only Montana we've ever come across.
My name is Montana and I"m a girl!
I love this name and I don't think others should be judgemental over my name! I'm proud to bear this name and I want to say... This name is NOT TACKY AT ALL!
The name Montana was given to 125 girls and 71 boys born in the US in 2015.
My name is Montana, I am a man. And the fact that the meaning of the name is Mountain, well that makes it quite rugged. I don't really care of you like it or not as a matter of fact.
Why would you name a boy this? Second, the state of Montana was named by the Spanish. Montana (mon-tan-ya) meaning mt. So technically it's a Spanish word, way before statehood. Word names are common!
My name is Montana and I'm a guy! Thanx to whoever said it was a cute guys name, and it's not a girly name! :/
Montana means mountain in Spanish and is masculine. It is also a state in America which is home of the ten foot Grizzly Bear, the Montana Buffalo and home of the Montana wolf all strong big powerful animals.I named my German Shepherd this name because of the significance of the name.
Montaña is a feminine noun in Spanish.
So tacky...
Try some town in Montana if that can work, but not the state.
Montana Max, a character in Tiny Toon Adventures.
I've had the misfortune of hearing this name on kids in Australia. It sounds tacky, and most of the people using this name probably don't know much about the state. Plus there's the awful Disney Channel show Hannah Montana. And Monty is a dumb nickname, especially for a girl.
I personally like the name, but I wouldn't give my daughter this name because of Laurence Fishburne's daughter, Montana who is now a porn star. She has ruined the name for me! If you're thinking about naming your daughter this forget about it because in my opinion most people are going to think about Montana Fishburne. Also I don't like the show Hannah Montana! Very annoying.
I find this name quite tacky, and plus I don't care for the sound of it. However, if I had to use it, I'd use it on a female because of the -a ending.
Ugly and tacky. The annoying show Hannah Montana also ruined this name for me.
This sounds pathetic as a name. Most state names don't work as human names. Would you name your kid Ohio, California, or Mississippi? And it makes me think of the annoying show Hannah Montana.
Montana could also come from the Spanish word "montaña" which means "mountain".
I think this name is ugly and tacky on both boys and girls.
I actually love how this name sounds, and am using it for a a character in a book series I'm writing. I suppose some people would like the name more if it weren't for Hannah Montana.
There is a popular show on the Disney Channel called Hannah Montana.
Montana is a cute name for a boy or girl. It's not too tacky and it's used just enough to not be unique yet not have 5 other kids in your class named this either.
Place names are tacky as first names. This name isn't pretty, it's not cool, edgy, or spunky in any way, and whether the state has significance to the girl's life or not doesn't really make a difference. The associations to the state are inevitable, and the girl might just grow up to hate the state. The name isn't sophisticated at all. It sounds like a made-up surname for a celebrity, like in the case of Hannah Montana.
It's masculine.
This name is the coolest name ever! It also happens to be mine! Oh and it is a girl name for sure by the way. And damn it I'm not named after the freakin state!
Well, my name is Montana, and I'm a girl, but I really like my name. My parents named me after Montana Gray, from a book 'Hollywood Wives' by Jackie Collins. Since I live in Croatia, there's no other Montana for mega-yards and I like it this way. :-P
There was a woman named Montana on one season of The Real World.
I think Montana is a really cute boy name, but I don't care for it much on a girl.
Montana Max is the name of a Nazi Major in Hellsing, a manga by Kohta Hirano.
Joe Montana was arguably the greatest quarterback football player of all time.

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