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Usage English

Meaning & History

Also Mizella. These names have been occasionally used in the 20th century and are an etymological mystery, unless they are phonetic variants of Marcella, Marcelle, Michelle. In support of that argument one may point to Masella, Mazella, Mazala, Mazila, Marcalla, Marsella, all recorded in the 19th century after Marcella had come into regular use. By the turn of the century one finds Mesella, Messella, Mezillah. These then appear to have developed into Mizella, Mizela, Mizelli, Mizelly, Myzel, Marzalie. Pet forms Mizzie and Messie also occur as independent names in the 1940s and '50s. Mizelle first appeared in the 1870s but has been reused in more recent times. Most of the names quoted above are unrecorded in name dictionaries or other reference works, and the evidence does point to their being misunderstandings of names that have been heard but not seen.

(Source: Dunkling & Gosling, 1983)
Added 7/24/2012 by SeaHorse15