I hate to be negative, but I can't see why someone would use this name... if you're from Mississippi, I'm not sure what the appeal would be (or at least why the appeal would be stronger than your sense of silliness). If you're not from Mississippi I can't figure out what might attract you to this name.
I can't picture this on a person at all, real or imagined -- at least not without a little bit of an internal wince and judgment on whoever bestowed it. I know that state names have a historical precedent in the U.S., especially in the South, but that precedent doesn't make it less silly.
I think Mississippi is a beautiful name! It is graced with strength, femininity, and an irresistible southern charm. Although it is somewhat lengthy, I still think it is lovely and elegant. I also love the potential nickname “Missi”. Overall, I think Mississippi is a wonderful name.

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