Longer names for Mindy could be Araminta, Dominique, Dominica, Carmina, Adamina, Irmina, Minodora, Normina, Illuminata, Aminda, Erminia, Remina, Luminita, Tomine, Aramina, Erminlinda, Romina, Herminia, Benjamine, Cosmina, Hermina, Jessamine and Jacomina.
Better than Mandy for sure, name of the girl in Grim Adventures - Cartoon Network character.
Mindy Sterling is an American television, film and voice actress. She portrayed Frau Farbissina in the Austin Powers film series and starred in the web series Con Man, the latter of which earned her a Primetime Emmy Award nomination. She has had recurring roles as Miss Francine Briggs on the Nickelodeon series iCarly, Principal Susan Skidmore on the Disney Channel series A.N.T. Farm, and Linda Schwartz on the ABC series The Goldbergs.
Mindy Baha El Din (1958 – 2013) was an American-born Egyptian environmentalist. Together with her husband, ornithologist and herpetologist Sherif Baha El Din she made contributions to the protection of migratory birds and their habitats, she also helped lay the foundations of the Nature Conservation Sector of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and in the establishment of Egypt's Protected Area network.
Princess Mindy from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. Voiced by Scarlett Johansson.
The sudden and high peak of Mindy in 1979 can be attributed to Mindy McConnell, one of the eponymous characters of the American sitcom "Mork & Mindy", which first aired in September 1978. The show was at its most popular during its first season (1978-1979), after which it steadily declined in viewership and thus popularity. You also see this reflected in the name popularity statistics for the name Mindy, in that it is clear that the novelty of Mindy wore off *very* quickly after its 1979 peak.Source: (in English)
I like the name Mindy. It's the name of my mom's best friend and she's really cool and fun. She's 37 years old. She's one of the people who accepted me for who I am, and made me feel welcome. She would do anything for anyone and would give you a shirt off of her back. I don't know many Mindys. I think it's an artsy kind of name, I think of an artist or painter for some reason. Like Misty but I like it more. Nice alternative to Wendy as well if you want a different name (I love Wendy, though). Mindy doesn't seem "dated" but it also does. I like that.
Mindy Kaling is a good namesake.
I don’t like it.
In "The Martian", Mindy Park the satellite communications engineer of NASA.
Too immature? It sounds way too mature for me.
Ugh. Childish, and just not a good name. It would be hard to take an adult woman seriously with such a cutesy little girl name. However it would possibly work for a small dog like a Yorkie or Chihuahua.
My sister is Mindi. That is her full first name on her birth certificate. It's never given her any grief.
Didn't know this was a nickname for Melinda. Sounds too immature to use as a given name.
My name is Mindy. As a kid I always wished that there was an easy nickname from it, but since it’s already used as a diminutive, there’s not much room to shorten it, and I’ve never been too fond of “Min”. I think my name suits me, but I feel like most people make the name, not the other way around. For example, I’ve heard many people say they’d never name their child a certain name, because someone they didn’t like had that name. As far as people making fun of it, it’s really not any more likely than any other name. Mean kids will find something to make fun of, no matter what. That’s just life.
Mindy is a character in the TV series Totally Spies!. She is Mandy's cousin from the South.
Mindy Cohn played Natalie Green from the Facts of Life.
My formal name is Melinda but I've always gone by my "nickname" Mindy. I've never been fond of Mindy. It reminds me of a little kid's name. Cute but immature. I can't picture myself working in a corporate position with the name Mindy. I would much rather be called Melinda. I don't like Melinda much either but at least it sounds more mature. For years and years I didn't like Robin Williams because he co-starred with Pam Dawber in the popular 1980's sitcom Mork and Mindy. I think I was in 1st grade when the show came out. I was constantly asked "Hey Mindy, where's Mork?" Grrr!
I'm now nearly 40 and still go by the name on my birth certificate : Mindy. I love having an unusual name, and feeling quite satisfied where I am in life I am also quite happy to report that having such a name hasn't prevented me becoming successful (but I guess that success means different things to different people).I agree that 'Mindy' sounds 'young', perhaps this will make sure I don't grow in to a grump! Strangely enough one of my sisters is named Melinda and neither of us were aware of the connection between the names until recently.
Mindy is the name of Mandy's nemesis from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
The name Mindy was given to 78 girls born in the US in 2015.
My name is Melynda but I go by Mindy. I'm 35 years old and though the name sounds young, it's the only one of the two that fits me. Plus, my real name has a long negative history attached with it. I've enjoyed being a Mindy. We're not very common and, more often than not, Mindy's seem to be very cool people! I enjoy being a Mindy. The End.
I like it. It reminds me of a garden of lovely fresh mint. I love the taste and aroma of mint. Mindy seems sweet yet spunky. I would be sure that the child's second name is a bit more formal and traditional. Mindy is a bit out of fashion at the moment, but, so what? It is a very suitable name.
My name is Miranda... but I never understood how people get the nickname Mindy out of it?
Sounds like mint! I hate mint! But other than that, okay... but I'll never name my kid that if it's that or Mandy. That's so prissy!
Hit-Girl's real name from the comic (and now movie) Kick-Ass. A foul-mouthed 11-year-old superhero, she is completely awesome.
A famous bearer is American actress Mindy Kaling (born June 24, 1979). She's known for her role as Kelly Kapoor on the American version of "The Office", as well as serving as co-executive producer and writer of a number of episodes.
Mindy is a nickname for Miranda too. I knew a couple Miranda's with Mindy being in their list of nicknames.
Mindy can also be short for Amanda. Richard Hammond's wife, Amanda Ethreridge, is known as Mindy. Personally I adore Mindy, I think it's very sweet, and makes me think of a girl who's graceful, smiling and compassionate, but I don't like it as a full name on a birth certificate. It's a cute diminutive, and it should stay that way. For me, it's almost like giving her Paigie or Louisie or Minakins as a legal name. At least put Amanda or Miranda on her birth certificate, so she can have something to fall back on when she's an adult. You can still call her Mindy if her name is Amanda. Imagine a teacher bellowing "Mindy!" or the girl filling in a job application as "Mindy". Use Mindy as a nickname, just that.
Mindy could be short for Miranda.
On the show 'Friends', this was the name of Rachel Greene's maid of honour in Rachel's wedding to Barry Farber (originally Barry Finkle). Mindy later married Barry (and subsequently divorced him) after Rachel left him at the altar.
This can also be used as a nickname for Amanda. I have a cousin named Amanda and we've called her Mindy since birth.
It's sort of cute, but too cute for a grown-up, and too cute as the official name. It doesn't sound very mature or serious. Besides, this was Leona Helmsley's middle name. Ugh!
I don't think I would ever use this name myself. But other people might. It just seems like some one might tease her and call her, "Minty".
Mindy McCready - American country singer
Mindy Kaling - actress in TV show 'The Office'
Mindy Newell - American comic book artist
Ugh, I don't like this name. It's not very pretty.
Mindy is my cousin's name and I personally don't like it or hate it; we mostly call her Cindy Lou because she always used to complain that she was the Cinderella around the house, doing all the work and whatnot. Almost everyone has "Lou" or some form of it in their nickname. No, we're not hillbillies.
Mindy McCready is a greatly talented country singer whose biggest hits are "Guys Do It All The Time" and "Ten Thousand Angels".
In the Teen Nick Show, "Drake and Josh" Mindy is the name of Josh's arch-nemises. Later they become boyfriend/girlfriend. She's very smart and clever.
The first person who comes to mind is the amazing country singer Mindy Smith.
The name Mindy also comes from the Indian word Minda which stands for knowledge. It's not just a nickname; it has its own meaning.
Can be a nickname for Aminda.
Mindy can also be a short name for Miranda, Minerva, Jasmin and a few others. But it suits more as a nickname for Miranda, definitely. But I don't really like it because it sounds too cutesy, like a name for a raggedy-ann doll or something.
The show "Mork and Mindy" comes to mind.
If spelled "Mindi", it could serve as a nickname for the Yiddish name Mindel, which means "bitter".
My cousin's name is Mindy Marie. It isn't short for Melinda in her case.

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