Hi, my name is Mina and I'll tell you amore about it. I love my name, thanks a lot to my parents! Once when I was in 2nd grade, I thought my name was super unique. But in my 2nd grade classroom, there were 2 Mina(s)! That's when I hated my name. And I was called Mina 2 instead of just Mina so I hated it even more. But my parents cheered me up. I was happy about my name Mina! It is a wonderful name.
It's nice, and makes me think of Jem and Tessa's daughter in Ghosts of the Shadowmarket, by Cassandra Clare, but I feel like there's still some sort of factor it lacks. Like, there's no 'Umf' to it - it's just sort of dull. I prefer Amina, which I feel has that, and is a bit more mature and unique. I've only ever heard this name pronounced mee - nah.
I've named my daughter Mina. This is the name of an auntie of mine. Though I knew the meaning was 'Love', I've been stunned by the other exciting meanings of the name Mina. In fact, she's living up to the meaning I know and the other meanings of the name.
I think Mina is an absolutely beautiful name. And even though it's short for Wilhelmina, I really think it sounds better as a name in its own right. At least, it doesn't have a nickname-y quality to me. I think it's really a nice name.