It's an okay name not the best name but not the worst name either.
This name just seems made up.
I've never been a fan of these fake -lani names. At least Leilani is a real name. Milani isn't.
Please, change the description: Derived from the Italian city of MILANO (see Milan).
*So people know that the original name is Milano and Milan is only the Anglophone form.This is right.
Given the previous use of perfume or cosmetic names such as Chanel, L'Oreal, Dior, Toccara, etc., as given names in the USA, this is indeed likely to be a transfer from the name of the cosmetics brand. [noted -ed] The founders of the brand named it after the city of Milan, Italy. Perhaps by accident, Milani is also an Italian surname which means the bearer's ancestor came from Milan. (Other Italian surnames with the same origin are Milano, Milanese, and Milanesi.)
Milani is a cosmetics company.
What is this? What the hell? Who came up with this? Terrible name.

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