I have a female cousin named Michi and we are 1/2 Okinawan. It is a fun, cute and nice name. I also knew a guy named Demetrius who everyone shortened to Michi.
Well, my name is Michelle but my family has nicknamed me Michi since I was born and I love it. I found it funny that it is a real name. I highly recommend this name, I love it and I find it is a name really unique and lovable (like me!)
Most people don't have just "Michi" for a name. It usually has something else at the end.Michie (mee-chee-ay) Michika Michiko Michiru MichiyoThe "mi" and the "chi" can be separate kanji if you want a different meaning than "pathway" or "through road" (also a possibility)."mi" -beautiful -fruit"chi" -wisdom/wise (there are a couple kanji to choose from with this meaning) -thousandThis is sometimes included in male names: Kazumichi Katsumichi Sadamichi Takamichi Nobumichi Norimichi Hiromichi Michiaki Michinobu Michinori Michihiko Michiya YoshimichiNote: there is a radio pastor in Japan named Nobumichi Murakami. He uses the kanji for "preach/declare" for "nobu", so his name is "Declare the Way", kind of appropriate.
I also knew a guy named Demetrius who everyone shortened to Michi.