Who is down voting this for all the girl Micah love? LOVE THIS FOR A GIRL! Beautiful, strong and VERY feminine sounding. It’s been really discouraging to read these comments where anyone who says the name “Micah” isn’t a girl’s name and they have tons of down votes. I LOVE the name for girls. I’m a major fan of taking traditionally biblical or male names (almost just to show those down rating all the female Micah’s) and giving them to women. There are plenty of male names that should stay male. This name sounds VERY feminine to me and all the harsh comments voting for it as an ONLY male name is discouraging. But hey, everyone is entitled to their opinions! This is mine.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2023
My name is Micah. And I am a boy so the name Micah is Masculine.
A great name. I associate it with a late sibling of mine who would have been named this, and unfortunately also the RDR2 character, who is an absolute dirtbag. Another positive association would be Micah from Freelancers. It's a nice name, it sounds adventurous and cool.
― Anonymous User 1/18/2023
My friend is named Micah but she is a girl, I actually thought Micah was a girl name but it is ok. It is a really pretty name though.
I fell in love with the name Micah (pronounced my-cah) while watching the TV series “Heroes” and heard it for the first time. I never actually noticed the book of Micah in the Bible before and the Hebrew meaning “Who is like God?” is so nice. It is a refreshing alternative for the overly used Michael… definitely masculine and I wouldn’t use it as a girl name, rather Micke/Mika with a mee-kah pronunciation sounds more feminine. My son’s name is Micah, I sometimes affectionately call him Mighty Micah, because he is brave and has a strong fierce personality.
What does make these psychopaths and duplicitous people call every beautiful and pleasing boy name they hear girls' names and say that girls can also choose the name in question? Micah was a MALE prophet back in the history. It has been a masculine name. It is a masculine name. It will be a masculine name. Maybe a hard slap from the truth will wake you up from your obdurate delusion. Save boy names for boys. How ridiculous would be it if starting tomorrow Cassandra, Molly, Clare, Miranda, Athena, Matilda,... all become masculine names to choose?
Traditionally, it is a boy's name. I like Micah for a boy & Mica for a girl. I think it's handsome as a boy's name & a nice change from Michael. I would consider this as a first or middle name for a son.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2021
Kinda nice. I don’t care for it on a girl. Looks pretty masculine.
Micah is a really nice name for a boy, but it wouldn't work in my country (Sweden). It would sound like a nickname for Mikaela.
― Anonymous User 2/4/2020
I like the name Micah but the character Micah Bell from Red Dead Redemption 2 ruined it for me. Such a despicable character. I can't look at this name without thinking about him.
I love the name Micah! So much so that I said if I ever have a son I would name him Micah James. Sure enough in 2018 I gave birth to my first born and his name is Micah. I'll admit it's more unique this day and age but traditionally this is definitely a male name. It's not even supposed to be unisex.
I love the name Micah! I never thought of it as a male's name though. There’s something really feminine about the name and I think it’s the feminine form of Michael. I like it as a female name. I agree it’s unisex, but personally I like it as a girl’s name more than a boy’s name.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2018
The name Micah is ORIGINALLY a BOYS name, derived from the biblical name Micaiah. It doesn't matter how many times the name has been used on girls, it is still TRADITIONALLY a boys name. There are many boys' names that have been used on girls, and that's perfectly fine (do what you want), but it doesn't change the fact that the names are originally for boys. People still don't seem to understand this concept, and I'm not sure why people would be offended by it. It's just the truth, but it doesn't make any of it wrong. My son's name is Evan. There are girls named Evan, but it's still a boys' name at the end of the day, it just so happens that there are also some little girls out there running around named Evan.
This is a really cool name. I'll admit, the first time I heard it was in a story (not the Bible, I'm not one for religion) but I'm really glad I did, because it's pretty nice. Micah on girls... eh. No thank you, though it's somewhat understandable.
My name is "Mycah". Spelled like it sounds. I am female. I was named after my father, "Michael." Of course I think it's a girl name because I've been a girl with this name my whole life. It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school when a girl insulted me and asked did my parents think I was a boy before I was born. That was the first time I experienced someone who had a problem with my name. It hurt a lot but whatever. I love my name. I've met more boys with the name but I've also met girls. But the girls I've met always had their names doctored. Whether it was spelled like "Micha, Mycha, Mikah", or they would have something in front of it like "Mae" or something. It's unique. Growing up too, my name was always pronounced wrong and I never understood why because it looks like it sounds. "My-Cah" or "My-Cuh". But everyone doesn't have the same teachers, so you can't blame them. I'll forever love and embrace my name. A name is a name, with a personality, is all.
My name is Micah and I am a girl. My parents mixed Micah with Antonette- that's why my real name is Micah Antonette. People with this name are very rare here in the Philippines. Actually, I know that it is a biblical name and I saw the name on a history book (entitled A History of the World) particularly on page 56. I know a few with the name Micah and they were all men. Well, to be honest I'm really proud of my name because it was a rare one. It catches the interest and curiosity of the people I meet. Micah is not really bad for a girl. I hope this will help.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2017
I know 8 Micah's all of them are BOYS they are really nice boys all around the same age and every single one knows each other! I don't love it on a girl probably because I have never heard it, but I think it looks more feminine spelt 'Maka' pronounced 'meeka' as a girl.
― Anonymous User 12/1/2016
I love the name Micah and know 6 boys with this name. I have never heard it as a girls name.
― Anonymous User 8/7/2016
This is my son's name and I love it! Husband and I couldn't pick a good name for our son that we both liked and we happened upon Micah. We named him Micah Andrew, and I love the way that name sounds!
A handsome yet cute name for a boy. Please don't ruin this name and give it to girls. "Mika" is pronounced MEE-kah (a COMPLETELY different name, with a different meaning) whereas "Micah" is pronounced "MY-kah". "Micah" is the name of several people (who happen to be MEN) in the Hebrew Bible.
― Anonymous User 4/20/2014
Pretty common, but can be a girl name by spelling it as Mika.
I absolutely love this name. Even though the name is masculine it just gives a positive connotation. But I plan on giving all of my children Bible names or names that derive from Biblical names because mine is in the Bible too.
― Anonymous User 8/25/2011
A hideous name that looks and sounds made-up. I first imagined it to be pronounced as MEE-Kah... eel.Word of advice: do not choose this name. Can you imagine a successful businessman bearing it? A doctor? Lawyer? Military General? No.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2011
The little boy named Micah that I know is the most precious boy I've ever met. It's a great name.
This name is so handsome! I love it! I hate seeing it on girls, though. If you want something similar, use Mika, which is a lovely name [though, technically, unisex as it has separate origins for each gender].
I have a cousin named Micah who is a girl, and I think it's actually a really pretty name for a girl. I personally wouldn't want to name my child Micah, because it is a boy's name, but I'm just saying that it isn't really all that bad on a girl.
― Anonymous User 4/24/2009
I've always loved biblical names and Micah is one of my favorites.
― Anonymous User 11/25/2008
I love the name, Micah - picture a tall, strong, yet gentle man. However, I loathe the very strong name of Micah on a girl. It ruins it for me.
Micah is probably one of my favorite names, just because I like the sound. I had a friend named Micah when I was younger, and all I remember about him is that he was really really nice.
I have a friend whose name is Micah. He's a sweetheart, is very religious and quiet. I never heard this name before meeting him, but I love it!
― Anonymous User 6/23/2006
I like the name Micah as an alternative to Michael. It is a great biblical name. It is also increasing in popularity right now. I definitely prefer it for a boy, not a girl.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2006
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