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Gender Feminine
Pronounced Pron. Men - uh(Welsh) MEN-nah(Frisian, East Frisian)  [key]

Meaning & History

Variant of Mena in countries where that name is used (i.e., Germany, Netherlands, Mena being a German/Dutch diminutive of various names beginning with Mein, such as Meinhild, where the meaning is "strength"), but Menna is also used regularly in Wales in modern times. Welsh writers on names are unable to explain its origin.

Menna is a feminine Welsh name, with no fixed origin. It is said that a Welsh Bard created the name for use in some of his works.
Added 3/22/2008 by Menna
Edited 7/7/2015 by elbowin, Frollein Gladys, Ora and more

See Also
