I am flattered and in love with this name! The actual meaning of it is just so lovely! And the mythology is sad. But this name is so pretty! MELPOMENE would most definitely make an elaborate and unusual first name for a daughter. If I had a daughter I would totally name her this because of its rich mythology and history! I am in love with this name! It’s been growing on me these past few days! And once I found out the musical meaning of it, I just couldn’t stop! Some friends I talked to recently said this name sounded like music to their ears! I think it does! And I agree with them. I’m considering naming one of my daughters MELPOMENE, possibly as a first or even a middle name! I am sad that this name is underused! Because it is magical!
― Anonymous User 7/10/2022
Melpo is a common short form for Melpomene. Melba, Mel, Mellie, Millie, Milly, Mimi, Molly, Polly, Penny and Mena could work as nicknames. Maybe Minnie could work as well.
Melpomene, was the Muse of tragedy. Her name means "To celebrate with dance and song". To create beautiful lyrical phrases, it was traditional to call on Melpomene for inspiration. This Muse is the mother of several of the Sirens, the divine handmaidens of Persephone, who were cursed by her mother when they were unable to prevent Persephone's abduction by Hades. She is usually depicted with a “tragic mask” and wearing the boots traditionally worn by tragic actors or holding a knife or sword in one hand and the tragic mask in the other.
This name is very underused. It has the same feel to me as Penelope, a name that is popular. Probably because they have ties in mythology and they sound some what similar to me anyways. And plenty of nickname options as well.
― Anonymous User 3/30/2018
Melpomene is very pretty. I like the association with mythology and she can always be Mellie.
― Anonymous User 1/21/2018
To say Melpomene means "choir" is far too simplistic. According to Wikipedia and the Theoi Greek Mythology website, the name Melpomene means 'to sing' or 'the one that is melodious'. It was derived from the Greek verb melpô or melpomai meaning "to celebrate with dance and song." [noted -ed]Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MelpomeneA bit more info on the Muse herself: Melpomene was originally the Muse of Singing, hence her name. However, at some point in history, she was "reassigned" to be the Muse of Tragedy, for which she is most well-known. Why this happened I have no idea, and I'm not sure if anyone knows why and how this reassignment happened. :P But the original musical meaning of her name still stands.
I really love this name. I think it's beautiful, melodic, and has a magical feel and sound to it. I love the actual meaning, 'one that is melodious' / 'to celebrate with dance and song'. While I don't think I could ever give a future daughter this name as a first name, I would certainly consider it as a middle name. I think it would make a lovely and unusual first name, however, if you are someone who is considering it.Due to the meaning/etymology of the name, and the Muse's original patronage of Singing, I think someone who is themselves a singer/musician or who loves music might find this a lovely and fitting, if rather elaborate and unusual, name for a daughter. :)
Although Melpomene was the muse of tragedy, she was not doleful or self-pitying; in fact, she was highly revered by the ancient Greek civilsiation for being an inspiration to people in times of trouble, as although Melpomene had a great deal of tragedy in her myths, she always pulled through and had a great love of music and dance.
― Anonymous User 5/11/2006
Awwwww! It's such a cute name! Bit of a mouthful though....
I love the name Melpomene. I named my kitten that. I think Melpomene is especially nice, especially when paired with the middle name Andromeda. Melpomene Andromeda, a very beautiful and tragic name.