My last name is Melchor. My grandfather said that Melchor came from Spain and one soldier is one of the soldiers who came to the Philippines and the soldier's last name was Melchor and that soldier fell in love with a woman in the Philippines and they had 3 sons and 1 daughter and that's how the last name Melchor is here at the Philippines. And my other family member from the Melchor family did go to the USA, CANADA and other countries and make their own families there with the Melchor as their last name.
Melchor, palabra Hebrea que significa De La Luz, mis antepasados tubieron que sustituir el apellido Melchor por el De La Luz ya que eran judios y se convirtieron al catolicismo, no obstante eso mantenian en secreto el apellido Melchor, pasaron los años y sacaron a la luz el apellido Melchor, manteniendo que la familia era De La Luz. Mi padre era conocido por Miguel de la luz su padre Francisco Gonzalez Melchor era Tambien de La Familia de La Luz todo esto ocurrio en España. Saludos y Shalon.[machine translated: Melchor, a Hebrew word meaning De La Luz, my ancestors had to replace the surname Melchor with De La Luz, since they were Jews and converted to Catholicism. However, they kept the Melchor surname secret, the years passed and the light the surname Melchor, maintaining that the family was De La Luz. My father was known by Miguel de la Luz his father Francisco Gonzalez Melchor was also from La Familia de La Luz all this happened in Spain. Greetings and Shalon.]
Well my last name is Melchor and I am from a Spanish family. I always ask my grandfather where this last name came from and he says that back in the day they gave people last names and whoever that person that last name was given to stayed with him. I also ask him about the three wise men and why one of them has that name and it is not clear where he got that last name.