This name is also used in the Arab World as Arabic name.
My name is Maya I think it is very nice it means water I like to swim. I don't care what other people say they are just dumb jerks with big heads.
Maya. Character from Ninjago.
Maya is a very nice name, in my opinion. It sounds so soft and gentle and has a beautiful feminine charm. I like the length, pronunciation, what not. I think the meaning “water” is really wonderful as well, since water could symbolize many things, such as purity, cleansing, new hope, etc. Overall, I think Maya is a lovely name.
Love it in English but not Hebrew.
The name is absolute blah.
A lot of Israelis called Maya spell it מאיה, with the added aleph. This denotes that is it not a traditional Hebrew name nor a Hebrew word. It's common in the secular Jewish community in Israel.
Maya Angelou (pseudonym of Marguerite Ann Johnson), an American Poet, author, civil rights activist, dancer, film producer, television producer, playwright, film director, actress, professor.
There is a modern interpretation of the name as an acronym to the Yom Kippur War. Written in Hebrew it would be Mem-Yod-Heh (Milhemet Yom Hakippurim) as opposed to the usual Mem-Aleph-Yod-Heh. The English transcipt, I suppose, would stay the same. Many modern day Jewish Mayas carry this intended patriotic meaning (and spelling) of the name.
Maya is also a name used among some Slavic peoples, though it doesn't seem to be commonly used there. It's definitely a beautiful feminine name for many cultures.
The name Maya is also a Turkmen name (Turkmenistan). It usually means "hardworking".
Short form of Ma'ayan. Means "spring," "bubbling brook" in Hebrew.
Pronunciation: mah-eye-YAN.
Pronounced mah-yah.
Maya also can be a Japanese feminine name.
In Hebrew, it is sometimes an acronym for Milhemet Yom Hakipurim (the Yom Kippur War).
Water in Aramaic is ponounced 'Mia' but spelt in English Maya. I love this name.
Maya means water in Aramaic.

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