The "history" of the name shows as coming from Latin with 'Maurus'. However, the Latin word, originates from the Greek MAVROS (Μαυρος) meaning 'black'We also know that the word 'maurus', became 'moreno/morena' in Spanish which means 'the dark one', swarty, dusky, all indicating black/dark.The history of how the name 'Mauro' (Mavro - black) became so popular on this side of the Atlantic, is a very interesting one, worth reading. On the most recent history of the name, we go back to Juan de Onate who had a Greek man as his navigator througout his expeditions (1598 AD). No one could pronounce the Greek man's last name so he was simply known as 'el Griego' (the Greek). Today 'Griego' is a fairly popular last name in Mexico and we can figure out why if the 'Griego' like all the other conquistadores, was making babies along their path and those being the daughter of the Griego, son of the Griego'It is only normal to imagine the conquistadores seeing the birth of the kids they had with native women coming our looking dark - compared to their own skin color - and them just exclaiming "Hey look, my kid came out mavro (Mauro - dark skinned)" and this is how the name was established in this part of the world.
Also used in Spanish. There are 8.168 bearers of this name in Spain (source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística). [noted -ed]
Also Venetian:
Fra Mauro, moon crater.
Love this name. ♥.
Fra Mauro, Italian cartographer.
The name Mauro was given to 90 baby boys born in the US in 2012.
Mauro Henrique is a painter for the television show "This Old House".
Also a masculine name in Croatia.
In Italy Mauro was relatively common in the 3rd quarter of the 20th century: it was the 14th most popular name in Rome in 1951, the 9th in 1956 and 1961, the 16th in 1966. It was always less common than Maurizio.
Mauro Giuliani, Italian guitarist and composer.
Mauro Scocco is a Swedish musician.

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