Very cute! This is better than Maurice. And if not, it could still function as a short from for any name containing Mauri-. It actually sounds like Maury, an English name. I like both of them.
Is it really strictly masculine? I went to school with a girl named Mauri, whose father was Finnish. Maybe it exists as a feminine name with a different meaning?
― Anonymous User 1/31/2020
This comment is about spelling. In my opinion, the alternate spelling of a short form of Maurice should be Maury rather than Mauri. Traditionally girl’s names end in a vowel, not boys. See this site. comment there offers this reasoning I propose is relevant to names as well. “I think it's an Indo-European thing. Indo-European languages distinguish (or at formerly distinguished) masculine nouns from feminine nouns, each with their own unique endings. There were also neuter nouns, too, but that's neither here nor there.”.
Mauri de Noirof is a French imaginary character in the novel “Le Tutu” by Princesse Sapho. This book is known as the most crazy novel of the 19th century.
― Anonymous User 2/9/2017
Mauri Kunnas is a famous bearer. He is a cartoonist and a children's writer.
I don't believe that this is just a masculine name as I am called Mauri and I am a female. My mum got this name from her New Zealand friend who says it is a feminine name.