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Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. MA-TEES(French)  [key]
Other Forms FormsFrench variants: Mathisse, Mathysse, Matice, Matysse. English variant: Matiesse

Meaning & History

Transferred use of the surname Matisse. The surname was most famously borne by the French artist Henri Matisse (1869-1954), who is likely the reason behind the popularity of Matisse as a given name in the 21st century.

Matisse as a given name is strictly masculine in France. It is unisex in other countries, but often not equally so for the two genders: for example, it is predominantly feminine in the USA and predominantly masculine in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Added 4/17/2013 by anonymous
Edited 5/13/2021 by Lucille, Frollein Gladys, LMS and more

See Also

User submission Matisse