Marla is a hauntingly beautiful name I will never forget. The first woman my age that I had ever developed deep, strong feelings for had the given names Marla Lynn, quite befitting her exquisite beauty and intelligence.
Marla is so sweet!
Also Croatian (Modern):
Also French (Modern):
Also occasionally used in Flemish and French (Belgian):
Also occasionally used in Dutch, Dutch (Antillean) and Dutch (Surinamese):
Truly underappreciated name. It's elegant, soft, and pleasant to say. I've only met 3 people with this name; two in their 40s/50s and one teenager, so to me it feels like an older name but I could picture any age with this name.
I really love it, as it is my best friend’s name. I think it is beautiful.
Cute name. Better than Charla.
It seems just unfinished to my ears. I prefer Marilla, Mireille or Marlène.
Marla Maples is one smokin' hot lady and makes the name seem pretty smokin' hot too!
Marla Maples (b. 1963), former wife of Donald Trump and actress.
Marla Maples is an actress.
The name Marla was given to 66 girls born in the US in 2015.
The name Marla was given to 70 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
It just looks like an elaboration of Mary. I dislike the -la ending. It makes this name seem somewhat forced and tacky.
So unique and sweet.
Marla is a girl who was able to paint "masterpieces" at the ages of 1 and 2. She's now 7. The media questions whether or not she actually paints them, or if it's just her parents.
I love the name Marla. It is so pretty and elegant. A name a girl could easily grow up with.
Marla was on the top 1000 list from the 1930's until the end of the 1980's. Its most popular year was the 1950's where it ranked 243.
This is such a pretty name. Very unique. I love it.
Marla Singer is the name of the female character (played by Helena Bonham Carter) in Fight Club.

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