The correct English pronunciation is /mə.ˈɹi.nə/, not /mə.ˈɹin.ə/.
― Anonymous User 1/14/2025
Marina Houndalowan (b. 1984) is a Beninese Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Lisbeli Marina Vera Andrade (b. 2001) is a Venezuelan Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Princess Marina Petrovna (1892-1981) was the eldest child of Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia and Grand Duchess Militza Nicholaevna who was born a Princess of Montenegro. A great-granddaughter of Tsar Nicholas I of Russia on her paternal side, she was also the granddaughter of Nicholas I, King of Montenegro via her mother.
I like the name but as an English speaker it has a certain foreign sound or association to it which I can’t put my finger on but which puts me of it somewhat sadly. :/
― Anonymous User 8/18/2024, edited 8/18/2024
Marina Diamandis aka Marina and the Diamonds or just MARINA. She's Welch-Greek and she's so pretty and talented and she's a great music artist.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2024, edited 7/5/2024
Marina Lizorkina is a Russian singer who is perhaps best known for her time in Russian girl group Serebro.
I'm French and it's my name, and while I didn't love it growing up (felt too feminine and soft... as if the sea was not rough and unforgiving lol), as an adult I actually appreciate it. It was chosen to honor my Italian roots and it's so common around the world and easy to write/pronounce in many languages. Really adaptable. Thank you mom for not naming me Justine... I had many nicknames, though no one really uses them anymore: Nina, Ninette, Ninouille and Marinouille (a "nouille" is an idiot, also means noodle). No one gave me problems for having it growing up, but I've been told that in Northen France, it's a name for I guess our equivalent of hillbillies.
Marina Anchors is a doll from the Lalaloopsy line of Dolls. She is described as tidy and her birthday is June 8th, World Ocean Day. She is likely named for her affiliation with the sea. She is also the only Lalaloopsy with a brother.
I adore this name, it sounds like a lovely spell when you say it and fits perfectly with my eastern euro mutt heritage. I'd love it at least as a middle name for a daughter if we have one.
Marina is the name of a sweet pink octopus villager in the Animal Crossing series! It's also the name of Luke Triton's wife in the anime Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery Solving Files.
I like this name a lot. It's very pretty and not common at all. It's on my list of potential names for girls. It reminds me of the character on the show Fresh Beat Band and the band Marina and the Diamonds. Both amazing associations.
One of my favorite names of all time. It's classic, mysterious, serene, mythical & timeless. I just think it's simply gorgeous! Mari, Rina, Mars, Mimi are cute nicknames, but honestly this name doesn't even need a nickname. I'm not bothered by the boat docks because there are worse things for a name to be associated with. When I think of Marina, I think of the calming sea, the beautiful sunsets over the beach/ocean & mermaids! I also love that the name is multi-cultural.
I quite like Marina, although in Spain it is a super common name. I think I have met four or five Marinas in my entire life and as many famous and "influencers" with the same name. But I love the sea and I love the meaning of the name. Much better than Mary or Marilene. If you prefer, in Spanish sea means "Mar" and it is also a name, which is often accompanied by a María del Mar. They are just options.
Marina is also Polish (used alongside Maryna in Poland), Lithuanian, and French (used alongside Marine and Marinette in France). The name day for Marina in Poland is June 18. The name day for Marina in Lithuania is June 18. The name day for Marina in France is July 20.
I love this name! I actually love it so much that I'm planning on legally changing my first name to Marina LOL It's fitting because I was born near the sea and have had a love for the ocean and have had a connection to it my entire life. My zodiac sign is also a water sign so I like the personal connection the name has with me. Also the pronunciation of the name works perfectly with all the languages I speak in and in the multiple countries that I reside in so as a global citizen it's nice to have a versatile name.
Marina is a name, in my humble opinion, that sounds very pretty and conjures images of the placid coastlines with warm summer breezes that add effect to an oceanscape setting. The only issue I can see would initially be the possible teasing from a reference to the other "Marina" (A location for docking boats). Other than that, I would definitely recommend this name for someone who might like the ocean or use a name that one barely hears on a regular basis that is unique as this one.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2019
"Save It For A Rainy Day" by the Minnesota band The Jayhawks is about a woman named Marina. Not a very flattering song at all, but nonetheless, a very good one.
― Anonymous User 1/4/2019
Marina is a beautiful and unique name which means coolest person in the world. Growing up with the name was very frustrating in the sense that people will always make fun and laugh and at some point, I wanted a change of name, blaming mum and dad for having given me such a name. Later got to know more about the name and am so happy. I always get recognized quickly because of my name.
My name is Marina, and I love it! I used to live along the coast in the United States. People never really associate the name with boats. They usually associate it with mermaids. In fact my nick-name growing up was Marina the Mermaid. It's not that popular and so people may mistake your name for "Maria" or "Marissa". It's a little annoying, but I love my name because it's special and unique. I heard in studies that people with unique names get noticed more for colleges and jobs. So that's nice. Whoever is looking at naming their little girl or character this name I think you should. :)
My name is MARINA and I love my name. I've only met one person with my name so far. But I think it's beautiful. I love it and wouldn’t change my name for anything. It’s funny, one person commented that it reminds her of a beautiful woman with long hair. I have really long hair. And I hope I’m beautiful, lol. Loved her comment.
My daughter's name is Marina and I love it more as she grows! My husband liked the name Marie, and I suggested Marina as a longer name that could be shortened to Marie, plus I liked the sea connection. We ended up nicknaming her "Rina" since it suits her better than Marie. Rather than a "place to store boats," we've heard it more associated with Mermaids, which makes me even happier. I really love my daughter's unique name.
Sounds more unique than Maria, and somewhat prettier.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2017
Marina Tucaković is a Serbian songwriter who has composed several hit albums in former Yugoslavia. She is a known collaborator with Lepa Brena, Ceca and Jelena Karleuša, among others. She has composed the lyrics of the Serbian entries for Eurovision Song Contest 2010 ("Ovo Je Balkan"), 2012 ("Nije ljubav stvar") and 2013 ("Ljubav je svuda").
My name is Marina and my older brother named me Marina when I was new born... I've never met anyone that was thinking of my name as sea-storage for ships... I was born in Croatia but have seen the world and even lived in the USA for some time.
Marina Golbahari is an Afghan actress who earned international fame for her role as the title character in the 2003 film Osama, playing a girl who had to dress and act as a boy to support her family during the Taliban years.
I, personally, love the name Marina! The main character in one of my books is named Marina! And I am going to name my future daughter Marina. =)
― Anonymous User 3/4/2016
Marina Aleksandrova, born Marina Pupenina, is a Russian actress and model.
― Anonymous User 2/23/2016
I am named Marina and quite enjoy the name. I have met a few others but happily not that many. My boyfriend calls me Rina. It's a nice name that gets a lot of compliments but also gets confused with Mariana sometimes. I love the meaning especially since I really love anything to do with the ocean and swimming.
Marina was a song by Rocco Granata (real name of the singer!) in 1960. It was a big hit in Germany and put Marina in the German TOP 30 baby girl names for the only time.
Everyone seems to have a delicate image of the name Marina, but I see it as sturdy, tough sort of name. I've known a few Marinas, and all of them were very no-nonsense kind of people. My brother's fiancée loves this name, and they'll probably name their daughter Marina, if they have kids, so I wouldn't use it for my daughter, but it is a very beautiful name.
My middle name is Marina, after my grandmother (kinda.) My mom wanted my first name to be Emma, or Marina if I was a girl. If I were a boy, I would have been Emmett or Elliot or something like that. ;) I think Emma Marina sounds really good together. It also combines a overused name with an underused name.
― Anonymous User 5/11/2012
This name is ok, but I prefer Maria. It just seems prettier.
This is a gorgeous name. I only know of good associations in people who have this name; Marina Diamandis, Marina Abramovic. A Marina sounds sophisticated, elegant and quite exotic. I imagine a more Greek image when I hear the name. I would definitely recommend this name. Especially now, before it becomes overused and unlikable, because I'm pretty sure it will be, one day.
This is OK, but after reading a book where the "bad guy" (actually a lady) is named Marina, it's not as appealing to me any more. I didn't like it that much to begin with. :)
Marina reminds me of a beautiful Eastern European woman with long flowing hair. I don't think it works on anyone else.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2011
My name is Marina Mercedes, and I've been bothered about being "named after a car" and I've heard "hey, my dad parks his boat on you" all my life. This name isn't the kindest. But it does go well with the name "Sierra". That way it's the mountains and the sea.
Singer/songwriter Marina Lambrini Diamandis is a bearer of this name. Her rock band is called Marina and the Diamonds. Her mother is Welsh and her father is Greek.
Meaning in language: in Finnish Marina means "whining".
― Anonymous User 10/3/2010
Marina is Finnish for kvetching.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2010
I liked this name a lot when I was younger. I took it from the name of a boating company. But now it just sounds too related to fishing/boating/whatever. It's even close to 'Marriott' which I think has something to do with that. Still pretty though.
My name is Marina and I have always loved my name! It´s feminine and different, delicate and strong at the same time. Growing up by the ocean in a sunny city in Brazil I´ve always made a great association between my name and the water. I´ve lived in the US, Germany, France, Austria and Canada and people always comment on how unique my name is.
Beautiful, simple, underused name. Makes me think of a beautiful view of the sea at sunset.
― Anonymous User 9/20/2009
Actress Marina Sirtis. She's best know for her "Star Trek: The Next Generation" character "Counselor, Deanna Troi", for the entire 7 season of the show, as well as the four movies made since the show stopped in 1994.
My name is Marina. I must agree that it is a beautiful, delicate, and unique name but it does not suit me at all. It reminds me of a small, little dainty girl and that is not me. Physically and mentally this name does not describe me at all! Maybe I would like it if it wasn't my name but because it is I'm not so crazy about it. I never got picked on about my name, and that is good, but there are nearly any nicknames with this name. I would like people to call me Ree (maRIna) but no one does, so I guess I'm kind of stuck with this name!
I really like my name. People seem pleasantly surprised by it and usually remember it. I like how very feminine it is just like Catherine or Elizabeth are so regal.
― Anonymous User 4/9/2009
The main character of Pedro Almodovar's film "Tie me up, tie me down" ("Atame") is called Marina. In the spirit of Almodovar's films, she happens to be an insanely gorgeous porn actress who is nonetheless persuasively delicate, vulnerable, wild and brave.
My name is Marina and I have been proud of its uniqueness all my life. There are only 2 people in my life that I have met that share my name. I think it's the most beautiful name ever.
― Anonymous User 2/2/2009
I also really like this name. It's one of my top 10 names and I think it sounds pretty. However, read my comment about the masculine form, Marin, as well.
I think this name is actually quite pretty. It could work in English usage too. It currently sounds more like the name of a slender, pale, dark-haired, gorgeous woman of Russian or East European heritage, but maybe it will become more common for people born in the US etc. It's quite common in East Europe and Russia, so I wouldn't want to use it.
Marina has been used since the 1920's and gradually gained in popularity and in 1990 hit its peak year at 275 on the top 1000 list and has slowly declined ever since.
― Anonymous User 9/20/2006
Marina Mrázová is daughter of actress Mahulena Bočanová.
This is a very pretty name for a girl. I could see why the 'place for boats' connotation might put some people off though.
― Anonymous User 7/13/2006
My name is Marina, and I have always liked having the name. It doesn't rhyme with very much, besides 'ballerina', so I was never teased as a child like some of my fellow classmates.
My little sister's name was Marina before she was adopted, and we changed it to the diminutive Marisha. That eventually became "Misha," partially because of our little neighbor, Brad, who can't pronounce her name. :)
I really love this name. When I 1st heard it I was like ...hmm boats and stuff. But the ocean hides many many beautiful secrets, and it glitters, and the beautiful fish that are in it. Marina is a really really gorgeous name! I'm going to name my child Marina. Marina and Serena - but they're a bit too alike. lol.
My daughter is named Marina and as we live in an area famous for sailing I was concerned that people would associate her name with the marina that has the boats in it. This doesn't happen. People associate a name with a person. You don't think of a bird when you meet someone called Robin.
I have always loved the name Marina and would consider it for my as-yet-to-be born daughter, but my husband thinks it sounds like a place to store boats. A problem for a little girl growing up?
― Anonymous User 1/28/2006
Marina is the title of a very, very good book by Susan K. Downs and Susan May Warren.
― Anonymous User 9/15/2005
In addition to the above comment, Marina is the title of the third book of the Heirs of Anton series by Susan K. Downs and Susan May Warren. And, I agree - it's a great book!
― Anonymous User 9/19/2005
In Shakespeare's "Pericles", Marina was the daughter of Pericles, who was fostered at Tarsus, kidnapped by pirates, sold to a whorehouse, then reunited with her father.
― Anonymous User 12/27/2004
Marina Vlady (b. 1938) is a famous French actress.