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Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts まりか(Japanese Hiragana) 毬果, 毬嘩, 毬香, 球佳, 鞠果, 鞠華, 鞠鹿, 球加, 愛里嘩, 真李夏, 真梨果, 真璃伽, 真璃香, 真凜花, 舞里嘩, 麻利加, 満梨果, etc.(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. MAH-ṘEE-KAH  [key]

Meaning & History

From 鞠/毬 (mari) meaning "ball" or 球 (mari) meaning "sphere, orb, globe" and 花/華 (ka) meaning "flower", or it could be spelled with 真/眞 (ma) meaning "real, genuine, sincere" combined with 理 (ri) meaning "logic, reason", that is the and 嘩 (ka) meaning "noisy, boisterous" or 鹿 (ka) meaning "deer, antelope". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Added 1/11/2017 by lilolaf
Edited 1/9/2025 by ShioTanbo1 and lilolaf

Gender Feminine
Usage Bulgarian
Scripts Марийка(Bulgarian)

Meaning & History

Variant transcription of Марийка (see Mariyka).
Added 5/25/2017 by anonymous
Edited 12/9/2020 by Frollein Gladys and HL

See Also
