This is the story of a woman named Mariella...
I prefer it pronounced as mare e el uh, which I believe is the proper and the prettiest pronunciation in my eyes. Just discovered this. This name is very beautiful. One of my favs ❤️!
This is my mom's name! The family calls her Mari for short (pronounced Mar-ee with a rolled r) and we pronounce her full name like Mare-e-ella.
I think Mariella is a more adorable and unique option than Mary. It strikes me as an adorable and lively name, and I think it looks great at any age. Yes, it is definitely very pretty!
It's beautifuuul!
Allegedly also used in Hungarian: -- mention Mariella
Apparently also occasionally used in Slovene:
My baby girl’s name is Mariella and we get so many compliments on her name. I’ve never met another person with this name I just hope it doesn’t become popular!
Everyone pronounces my name wrong! Thanks for knowing! :D I love my name very much. Thank you for the history.
My friend's name is Mariela. We call her Mari.
The name Mariella was given to 160 girls born in the US in 2015.
I love the name, but I know somone with this name who is extremely bratty, and irresponsible, and thinks the world was created for her fun. So every time I hear this name, I can't picture someone nice or kind, or helpful.
Mariella Fyfe, a character in Rosamond Lehmann's book 'Dusty Answer', first published in 1927.
The name Mariella was given to 148 baby girls born in the US in 2012. This is one of my new favorites :)
This is one of my favorite girls names! Absolutely stunning. It is timeless and I can easily picture a young girl, teenager, adult, bearing this name. A symbol of beauty, purity, strength and sophistication.
Italian Pronuncition:Mah-RYEHL-Lah"A" as in "Father." For the combination of "Riel," the letters go from "Ree-Eyhl" to a meshed "RYEHL." Be mindful to pronounce both following "LL"s separately-- which is generally accomplished with the most ease by placing extra emphasis on the letter directly before ("E"), and slowly rolling through. Again, "A" is as found in "Father."AndrewJKD was on the correct track. What he wrote simply needed a minimal bit of tweaking. [noted -ed]
Also a Spanish name, though pronounced "Muh-RELL-uh".
I love this name, we named our second daughter Mariella, as a more unusual version of Maria. People often comment on how pretty it is!
I really like this name; it sounds really nice and lovely; it has sort of a cosy quality to it in some way, but at the same time it sounds fresh, new and modern in general. :)
Mariella Frostup, British TV presenter known for her good looks and alluring voice.
It is a very pretty name ♥. I love the pronunciation Mah-ree-ella, whether it is correct or not I don't know. Really cool, and adds an air of formality to the overused name Maria.
Pronounced mah-ree-ELL-ah.
This is the name of a song by British singer, Kate Nash.
I love this name. It's very feminine and rolls off the tongue easily. I love it! The spelling Mariela is fine too.
It's such a great name. I love it a lot.
Mariella's a seamless fusion of old-world charm and cosmopolitan flair. ♥
My name is spelled Mariela. I like it because it is Italian.
Another way of spelling it is Mariela.

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