Abby, Abbey, Abbi, Abbie and Abi could work as nicknames.
I think it's lovely and melodic, but it looks like the epitome of an exaggeratedly frilly princess-y name that only a minority of women would enjoy bearing throughout their lives. An upside is that there is a massive selection of nicknames to be derived from it (Maria, Mary, Mari, Mara, Bella, Belle, Ella, Elle, Ellie, Mabel, Mabelle, Mabella, etc.).
Too complex and doesn't flow well.
I like the name, but it's not something I would use on a human. I might name a doll or a OC Mariabella but not a real person. I love -bella names so I am inclined to like it, but I don't love the double 'uh' sound. I would prefer Maribella or Mariabelle since they don't have it. It's unique but easy to spell which I LOVE. It doesn't suit middle names either, so I like it okay, but it's not like, my favorite thing in the world if that makes sense.
Long, too over the top, fake, and forced.
Doesn't flow well,
Too long,
Over the top,
It's too much for me. Besides, the meanings sorrow and beautiful don't seem to mix well.
Kind of a mouthful, but pretty nonetheless!
This is so pretty!

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