Comments (Personal Impression Only)

So beautiful.
Still a pretty name even with accent above letter "i". Same with Sofía.
If in many years to come I have a daughter I would love to name her like this, but in Latin America countries it's too common! My mom's name is Maria Laura, she goes just by Laura, but she told me that in her school there were like seven of them! It's not too common now a days because it's a bit old, but I don't want my future distant daughter to have ten people in her class named like her, not even for a middle name (specially because I don't like those). But I really like the name, it's so beautiful, simple and calm, it would be perfect if there weren't that many Marias in this world.
This name drives me crazy because of how popular it is. Especially in Spanish-speaking countries, it's very traditional to have Maria as either a first or second name. Maria Florencia. Maria Eugenia. Maria Camila. Maria Sofia. It's everywhere and most girls go by their middle names so it's less confusing, not that it helps.

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