I love this name! It can also be a middle name and appear as the nickname! But it's okay although I don't really like it, I prefer Marie better!
― Anonymous User 12/3/2021
This name is so sweet! I would pronounce it like the word ‘marry’. I like it better than Mary or Marie. This can also be a nickname for Marinette, Mariette, Marietta and Marina. There are quite a few reasons I like this name and here are three:Firstly, it’s not overused and/or super common. I hate super common names as your child will be the 5 ——— in his/her class. This name is very unique.Secondly, as a full name or as a nickname, it’s sweet. Some nicknames like Emma (for Emily and similar names), Kayla (for Makayla and similar sounding names) and Mellie (for Melissa and similar sounding names) can be a bit annoying. Lastly, the name is short and simple, but it carries all the uniqueness you find in Chrystelle or Aleiva. Short names like Jane and Anne and Bree are plain and simple, but the uniqueness has been driven away.
Mari is the real name of the main character of the horror puzzle game "Dreaming Mary", where a young girl named Mari (called "Mary" by the other characters) has to escape her cutesy dream world that is slowly turning dark and twisted by collecting seeds and solving puzzles, all while trying to escape an abusive father in real life.
Mari Kotani is a Japanese science fiction critic, best known as the author of Evangelion as the Immaculate Virgin and of *Joseijou muishiki: techno-gynesis josei SF-ron josetsu. Tokyo: Keiso shobo, 1994., which won the 15th Nihon SF Taisho Award.
Mathea-Mari Glittenberg isn't really famous, but she won Norway's Got Talent for her amazing singing skills. Her brother goes to my school. How lucky is that!
Mari Boine, previously known as Mari Boine Persen, née Mari Boine Olsen is a Norwegian Sami musician known for having added jazz and rock to the yoiks of her native people.
"For Kalaja Mari" is a song by School of Seven Bells.
― Anonymous User 8/28/2009
This is also an Italian name derived from the Latin meaning "sea" or "seashore". I don't know whether or not it's used as a first name, but it is used as a surname.
This name is hideously common in Finland. It's a very boring, bland name that parents seem to have picked because they haven't felt like giving the name much thought, maybe because some of them have been less enthusiastic about parenting to begin with. This is also commonly combined with another name, usually Anne, as in Anne-Mari. It's quite plain on its own.
Actually, the song played at wedding receptions in Scotland is "Mairi's Wedding" not "Mari's Wedding." Although it's actually a common spelling mistake and is sometimes called "Mary's Wedding" or "Marie's Wedding."
I like to pronounce this name MAR-ee, but I doubt that is correct.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2006
A notable bearer of this name is the author Mari Sandoz (1896-1966). She was known for her novels about the Great Plains. She also won a Newbery Honor Award in 1957 for her book "The Horsecatcher."
Source: I'm Welsh.