This is the real name of a fictional character in the game Path to Nowhere. She used to be a bold and friendly famous naturalist and explorer, Marguerite Nash, before being corrupted by an eldritch entity. After some of her original identity is recovered, she becomes a playable character called Mantis.
This is my dear daughter's middle name, Isabelle Marguerite. My husband and I picked this name because we loved the meaning behind it. Gorgeous name!
― Anonymous User 11/8/2021
Also Judeo-French and Judeo-Anglo-Norman. Source: Seror, Simon "Les noms des femmes juives en Angleterre au Moyen Âge".
― Anonymous User 4/12/2021
Marguerite is a nice name along with other variations of the name for Margaret.
― Anonymous User 3/16/2021
Ugly sound. Margarita is much lighter and less mean-sounding.
― Anonymous User 1/24/2021
Marguerite Young was an American author mainly remembered today for the gargantuan 1965 novel Miss MacIntosh, My Darling. The first edition hardcover was 1198 pages and approximated 700,000 words! She also wrote nonfiction such as Angel in the Forest (about a Cult) and Harp Song for a Radical (an unfinished biography of Eugene V. Debs). She was also a known literary figure in Greenwich Village, where she socialized with such contemporaries as Truman Capote, Carson McCullers, Richard Wright, and Flannery O'Connor.
A famous bearer is the recently canonized Saint Marguerite Bays (1815-1879), a 19th century Swiss Catholic seamstress who had religious visions and received the stigmata.
My name is Marguerite, I'm the fifth generation on my mom's side with it as either a first or middle name. My nicknames include Maggie, Mags, MG. I love my name❤️.
In 2018, 86 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Marguerite who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 916th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
Marguerite Perrin is the God Warrior from the reality show Trading Spouses.
Marguerite Gourdan, née Stock was a French brothel owner and procurer in 18th-century Paris. Her brothel was the most exclusive in Paris in her age, and Gourdan was arguably the most famous of her profession.
Marguerite Bériza was a French opera singer who had an active international career during the first half of the 20th century. She began her career as a mezzo-soprano at the Opéra-Comique in 1900; ultimately transitioning into the leading soprano repertoire at that theatre in 1912. She performed extensively in the United States from 1914–1917 and was also heard as a guest artist at theatres in the French provinces, Monaco, Portugal, and Switzerland during her career. In 1924 she founded her own opera company in Paris with whom she actively performed up until 1930. During her early career, Bériza was married to the French tenor Lucien Muratore. In 1906–1907, they appeared on several Edison cylinder recordings together where she was billed under the name Magli Muratore. She was also billed under that name on a 1910 Pathé Records recording which also included performances by Jane Marignan, Albert Vaguet, and Henri Albers. She divorced Muratore in 1913 so he could marry the soprano Lina Cavalieri. On the stage she performed mainly under the name Marguerite Bériza, sometimes shortening it to Magli Bériza. However, she was occasionally billed under the surname Dériza and in her latter career as Mme Bériza-Greven, probably after a second marriage.In 1924, Bériza founded her own opera company in Paris in which she starred in many productions throughout the 1920s. In the 1924-1925 season she sang leading roles in her company's presentations of Paul Le Flem's Aucassin et Nicolette, Francesco Malipiero's Les Sept Chansons, Charles Koechlin's Jacob chez Laban, Manuel de Falla's L'Amour sorcier, Georges Migot's La Fête de la bergère, and Gabriel Dupont's La Farce du cuvier at the Trianon-Lyrique in Paris. The company then established its own performance venue, the Theatre Bériza, but occasionally performed at other theatres. With her company she portrayed the title role in the world premiere of Jacques Ibert's Angélique at the Théâtre Fémina in Paris on 28 January 1927. In 1928 her company made the ususual but successful choice of presenting two secular cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach in staged productions: The Peasant Cantata and The Coffee Cantata. One of her last stage appearances was as Polly Peachum in Kurt Weill's The Threepenny Opera in 1930.
My grandmother was named Marguerite and had a nickname of Muggs. We decided to name our daughter after her in 2013 since it was classic, pretty, affiliated with daisies & uncommon. We could not decide on a nickname since my husband wanted Margie (with a hard "g") and I didn't want our daughter to have to say that constantly! She called herself Rite (pronounced "reet") before she could fully pronounce her name - what a great nickname!
Marguerite was a very popular name in France in the early 20th century, but is now relatively uncommon for baby girls. It ranked #739 in 2010. It's most popular year was 1906, when it was given to over 9, 000 baby girls.
Marguerite Moreau (born 1977 in Riverside, California) is an American actress.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2012
Marguerite MacIntyre (born 1965 in Detroit, Michigan) is an American actress.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2012
I like the name, but it always reminds me of a pizza. Here in Holland we have a pizza that's called "Marguerite" but maybe the spelling is different from that pizza.But I also know this name form the novels of Lyndsey Sands. There's aunt Marguerite Argeneau, a vampire, and the stories are about her and her family/friends/vampire companions & about true life.
Marguerite (1553-1615) was one of the daughters of King Henry II of France and his wife Catherine de Medici. She was married to King Henry IV of France.
Marguerite of France (1523-1574), was the youngest daughter of King Francis I of France and his wife Claude of Brittany. She married the Duke of Savoy and had one son.
Marguerite Moreau (b. 1977 in Riverside, California) is an American actress.
― Anonymous User 4/30/2012
It's a beautiful name that reminds me not only of the lovely big "Marguerite daisy" with its summery feel but of medieval French princesses. Margot makes a good nickname, anything but Marge or Maggie. I just read this rhyme: In search from A to Z they passed, And "Marguerita" chose at last; But thought it sound far more sweet To call the baby "Marguerite." When grandma saw the little pet, She called her "darling Margaret." Next uncle Jack and cousin Aggie Sent cup and spoon to "little Maggie." And grandpapa the right must beg To call the lassie "bonnie Meg." From "Marguerita" down to "Meg," And now she's simply "little Peg."
― Anonymous User 4/19/2012
Marguerite doesn't mean "daisy" in French. A Marguerite is bigger than a daisy. The French word for daisy is "pâquerette". [noted -ed]
― Anonymous User 1/2/2012
This was my great-grandmother's name. I think it is very pretty. Not too over-the-top, not too plain. Sweet and just right.
I work with a woman named Marguerite Duke, and Marguerite in French means "daisy", so yea she is "Daisy Duke", lol, anyway nicknames would be Marge, Margie, even heard Margo... so yea.
Marguerite Patten (born 1915) was the first cookery expert to appear regularly on British television. She has written many cookery books and still contributes articles on cookery to newspapers and magazines!
I got this off of an online French dictionary: "Marguerite Noun, feminine (a) Marguerite, (oxeye) daisy;"I had heard that Daisy was a nickname for Margaret. This explains how that happened.
Marguerite Henry was an author of fifty-nine novels based on non-fictional stories about animals (particularly horses). One of her novels, "King of the Wind," won the Newberry Medal in 1949.
Marguerite Moreau is an actress who played the character of Connie Moreau in the Mighty Ducks trilogy.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2007
On Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, there was a character named Marguerite. She was a greedy, seductive lady from the nineteenth century turned adventurer when she and a few others found themselves transported into a primal world of dinosaurs, human savages and prehistoric creatures.
― Anonymous User 6/11/2007
Marguerite Cleenewerck de Crayencour was the real name of French novelist Marguerite Yourcenar, writer of famous book "Memoirs of Hadrian".
Marguerite is the name of the tragic heroine in Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Lady of the Camellias", portrayed on film by (among others) Greta Garbo in the film Camille.
― Anonymous User 12/19/2006
I love my name, even though I don't really think it fits me -- it's too flowery. I just want to let everyone know that there are lots of annoying nicknames that can come from Marguerite. Here are a few others have actually called me: Meg, Meggie, Margarita (like the drink), Margaret, and Marge (from the Simpsons)!
In the 1998 film "Ever After" (starring Drew Barrymore and Dougray Scott), one of the stepsisters of the spirited Danielle was called Marguerite D' Ghent, the daughter of baroness Rodmilla D' Ghent-De Barbarac.
"Marguerite" could have a nameday on Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter) - the day of flowers and willows (the names of the other trees also have a nameday).