Manfred von Richthofen, known as the "Red Baron", was a fighter pilot with the German Air Force during World War I. He is considered the ace-of-aces of the war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories.
Manfred u. Osterroht (1948 - Born in Tilsit, Prussia) International architect and urbanist; author of famous novels as "Ubiquity" and "Tarnished Orgy" and many more. German born; Brazilian nationality; lives in South Africa.
― Anonymous User 11/5/2017
Manfred Von Karma is the final boss prosecutor in the first Ace Attorney game.
Manfred Marx (January 1886-July 17, 1886) was the first of the six boys born to Sam and Minnie Marx, parents of the Marx Brothers. One can only wonder how the comedy team's history might have been different had he lived into adulthood and been able to perform with his five younger brothers.
Manfred Bloor is an evil character in the Children of the Red King series or the Charlie Bone series by Jenny Nimmo. Manfred's family owns Bloor's Academy, the school that Charlie Bone goes to, and Manfred is one of the endowed. His main endowment is hypnotizing people, but recently he seems to be able to create fire.