People think Malin is a boy’s name just because it looks masculine. If it’s pronounced muh-lynn, then it sounds like a girl’s name. So technically, it can be used for either gender.
― Anonymous User 1/2/2019
The name is actually a very common name in Norway too :) Don´t know if it means something in Norwegian.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2014
The name Malin was given to 65 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
I didn't know this was a female name pronounced MAH-lin. I live in the US, and my great-grandfather's name was Malin, pronounced MAL-in. I also read a thriller as a child, I think it was "Riptide" by Lincoln & Childe, starring a man named Malin. I've always been rather partial to that name for a boy.
As a bearer of this name I have to also inform that this name is also very common in the Swedish speaking Finns community which contains about 6% of the Finnish population and is recognized as a minority in Finland. Swedish is therefore the second national language in Finland, and therefor I think people should know that Malin is also a common name in Finland, it has variations in the Finnish speaking population and it´s most commonly written Maalin.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2008
Malin isn't just a girls name because my dad's called Malin.