Malik is a very royal name. Me and a kid named Malik from my school have a crush on each other. This name is really unique and I just love it. To all people named Malik, you are amazing! Also Malik stands for M- Magnificent A-Awesome L- Loving I- Intelligent K- Kind. Have an awesome day everyone!
Actually Malik is a Semitic name and is thought to derive from mlk,wiki-Malik. But it must be kept in mind in Levant it is written as mlk, while in Hebrew it is used as malek. As for usage in Arabic, it is pronounced as Malik, which actually means master. As for European, malek is a term used by slaves which comes from maly. Never heard of a Germanic term for malakati.
The name Malik is a very special and unique name with great power, as my name is Malik too. The name carries a very great power through its meaning and nature. The English name for Malik is MASTER not 'king'. The meaning 'king' is just for the Muslims in their own beliefs but it originally meant MASTER. Names people bear really affect the lives of the individual bearing it so that's why parents should be very careful on what they name their children. I'm also called Malik and it's really helping me live a very positive and fair life. Malik is a great heavenly name.
Malik Saidullaev (1964-) is a Chechen businessman and one of the wealthiest Chechens in Moscow. He ran for President of Chechnya following the death of Akhmad Kadyrov, but he lost the position to Alu Alkhanov.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2017
Malik is the last name of the female terrorist, Tashfeen Malik, who, along with her husband, Sayeed Farook, killed 14 people and injured 22 in San Bernardino, California.
Actually the name "Malik" means MASTER not king. There is certainly a difference as a Master is greater than a mere king. According to the rules of Arabic, when "Malik" is used in a lower form, as a mere word, its intensity or power is greatly diminished making it mean king, which again is less than a Master.
Zayn Malik, a member of the British boy band One Direction.
― Anonymous User 8/7/2014
In the 2003 film "Malibu's Most Wanted", character Shondra (played by Regina Hall), comes into a room where Brad 'B-Rad' Gluckman (played by Jamie Kennedy) is in the middle of activity with two females. She yells, "This no-good, deadbeat, weak---- white boy won't take care of little Malik." The other two girls respond by leaving the room.
Malik is considered a correct Romanization of 3 different Arabic words. These include: * (ملك) Malik (also Malek or Melik), an Arabic word and title, meaning "king", "monarch", and "sovereign". Notably not used as a given first name, but rather as a title. * (مالك) Mālik (also Maalik), an Arabic word and name, meaning "owner", "proprietor", "proprietary", "possessor", and "holder". It is the the most common among the three to be used as a first name for a person, and its use as a name dates back to ancient times. * (مليك) Malīk (also Maleek), can mean either of the two words above. Although mostly not used as a given first name. For this reason, the meaning of "owner, possessor" is more correct as the name's meaning.
How I do believe this is typically an Arabic name, I believe that it can also be used as a European name, it has a very strong sound to it, like many Germanic names for example. The name Malakai is said to be English, then how is Malik Arabic? I think it sounds like a strong name for a strong person in my opinion.