My mother's name is Malgorzata, and I think it is a unique name. I don't think this should be used for someone who isn't Polish, but other than that, I think it's a great name!
There is no English letter combination to properly pronounce the beauty of the "rz" sound in the Polish language and that is so true when it comes to the name "MALGORZATA", when spoken by someone that knows the language compared to someone that does not you will hear the difference. Try Google for pronunciation.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2019
Diminutive of Małgorzata is Gosia (also Małgosia, Gocha, Gośka - but these are not used as often as Gosia). [noted -ed] Marzena is a completely different name and should not be confused with Małgorzata!
― Anonymous User 10/3/2014
This is my mother's name and I think it only sounds truly beautiful in its native language, Polish. Gosia, "Goh-shyah", is a very cute nickname, along with Malgosia.
Ma³gorzata Bela is a Polish actress who is well known for her performance in "Karol: Cz³owiek kto Stawa³ siê Papie¿em" (Translation "Karol: A Man Who Became Pope").
The "l" is Malgorzata is actually supposed to have a little slash through it, which makes it sound like a "w." (³ -- that is it, if it showed up for you) I have heard it pronounced "Mow-gor-ZHAh-tah."