Madonna Sebastian is an Indian actress who primarily works in Tamil and Malayalam films, in addition to few Telugu films. She made her acting debut with the 2015 Malayalam film Premam, and Tamil debut with Kadhalum Kadandhu Pogum (2016), and in Telugu with Premam (2016) and in Kannada with Kotigobba 3 (2021).
Madonna is a perfectly good name and there's nothing wrong with using it. It may be slightly questionable as a first name, but definitely not as a middle name.
I know a couple of women named Madonna who go to my local church and who were born before the singer Madonna Ciccone rose to fame, but anyone in this day and age is going to assume you named your daughter after the singer Madonna irrespective of the religious and other connotations with the name.Madonna is a fairly common name in Italy and other strongly Christian (especially Catholic) places.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2022
It's gorgeous sounding, and the look (spelling) is pleasant. I don't have any issue using the name after the Catholic Madonna- Jesus is one of the most popular boy names in the world! What concerns me is that even though I could put the association with the singer aside, I don't think anyone else would. And for instance, I wouldn't want my daughter's classmates singing to her "Like a Virgin." Even though it's an 80s song, I wouldn't put it past children of today to do that. For me, this name is on my GOOD list, and although I'd like to use it as a first name, it will have to be relegated to middle name status.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2021
Please, everyone, enough with the slut-shaming and double standards regarding Madonna Ciccone! I don't care if you like her or not, but name-calling and phrases like "daddy issues" are inappropriate, to say the least.
I love this name so much, and am a huge Madonna fan. I would use Donna or Louise, however, if I wanted to honour her, rather than using Madonna, and ending up with a daughter who resented my choice. Most of the kids named Britney, Kylie or Elvis, after the singers, have grown up hating their names.
Give Madonna (Ciccone) a break! She is an idol. She made mistakes along the way, but she is not trying to ruin a name. This name is still strong and noble. And by the way, Ms. Ciconne is aware of the World Today. So it's hardly a shame to give this name to your kid. I'd do a middle name thing. But I'd be happy to see people use it as a first sometime in the near future if they want to.
― Anonymous User 7/31/2016
Well my name is Madonna and I was born in 1971. Boy oh boy did I get flack in 83 to the present about my name because of the singer but I just go with the flow. I had started to go by my middle name but I met way too many LuAnns so I went back to Madonna. My mother was catholic. I was named after a lady that my mother went to nursing school with not the Virgin Mary. I deplore being called Donna. I actually like my name because it is unique and not many are named Madonna, or so I had thought. There is more than you realize. Don't go looking for anything with Madonna on it like at the lake of the Ozarks, that's what I hate sometimes, but I still look.
It is an absolute travesty that forevermore the Blessed Mothers name will be associated with a trashy 60 year old pop star with daddy issues.
― Anonymous User 3/20/2016
I was named Madonna by a very religious "Catholic" Irish mother. She had an uncle that was a priest and two sisters that were nuns, that is very "Catholic". Only God knows why she chose the name because when asked she couldn't recall why she chose my name and without a middle name. It wasn't until high school that my Catholic friends nicknamed me Donna Louise just for fun. Too bad there are a million Donna's out there!
― Anonymous User 2/5/2016
I think this name is beautiful. Yes, the singer comes to mind but I was an 80's child. It's too critical to judge others named Madonna because of the pop icon. I don't think anyone naming their child this would have any other vision that purity, beauty and love in mind.
Apart from just the singer and religious figure, it really is unique. Lives up to it's Latin roots, and in 50 years time, the whole world could be dazzling in gold with names like this, instead of groaning at just another Penny or Liz.
Urgh. This name is forever going to be associated with that stuck-up, narcissistic pop diva. It also sounds kinda pretentious to be naming your child Madonna. Being Catholic, I could tell you that this title is usually reserved for the Virgin Mary, and I honestly can't see it as the name of a child.
I don't have particular bad feelings about the singer now, but I still don't like the name. Madonna... it just doesn't sound right to name someone that. Maybe a title, but for a name it has a pretentious and pompous feeling that I associate with popular girls in school who bully others. I will never name someone that.
― Anonymous User 6/20/2015
It just... doesn't work. It's too dated. And of course associated with Madonna. Even if you like Madonna, this name doesn't work.
― Anonymous User 2/8/2015
I agree that the name Madonna is too highly associated with the singer Madonna Ciccone to ever be taken seriously on an adult woman born after the early 80s (and, as some comments have noted, even among the singer's generation).Honestly, if you really, really like the sound of Madonna but lament its ultra-pop association, then... Donna is still perfectly usable, and probably would be refreshing on a newborn.
It's a pretentious thing to name your daughter. A lot of other Marian titles work well, but this one sounds a little over-the-top. Besides, the singer Madonna is quite pretentious herself.
Also the name of a variety of flower, the Madonna Lily. The flowers were named this because the Virgin Mary was often depicted holding them in Mediaeval religious artwork. They represent purity in Western floriography.
My cousin's name is Madonna. She was so named well before the musician became famous. I do feel like the name has been severely stigmatized. I have never liked it.
I think this is a fantastic name! It's NOT blasphemous. As far as its association with Ms. Ciccone, why is that a bad thing? She's a very talented and intelligent person who has a long history of contributing to charities. I like that she seems very confident and think that would be a great message to pass on to a child, that they shouldn't be ashamed of or afraid to be themselves.
Catholics don't name their children Madonna; that would be blasphemous. I live in Ireland and nobody here would be called Madonna. I find it strange that there are more comments that this name shouldn't be used because of the singer rather than because "Madonna" is a title reserved for Mary alone.
― Anonymous User 11/29/2009
Whomever stated that Roman Catholics don't name their children Madonna is misguided: this is my aunt's name, and she as well as my grandparents were/are practicing Catholics.
I associate this name with a spoiled, pretentious pop diva. It's almost like naming your little girl "Princess". It just doesn't go with the flow. It was a name in a painting, it should have just stayed there. All due respect, all those who are called Madonna, please take no offense. :)
I think this name is blasphemous to use and it should be reserved for the Virgin Mary. And there's the even worse connotation with the singer Madonna. It was Madonna that made the name completely taboo. This name will equal bullying for life.
This name will be associated with the singer for a long time to come, and everyone will assume that anyone born some time after 1983 named Madonna was named after Madonna Ciccone. I absolutely loathe Madonna, and the name is tacky in and of itself. It's extra-tacky to name someone after her.
I don't really think of Madonna when I say or hear this name, but still, it will always have a big connection. I don't really like this name, it just doesn't sound very good to me.
Madonna will be linked with that whore Madonna Louise Ciccone. So if you name your child this consider the consequences?
― Anonymous User 4/13/2007
A friend of mine, born like me in the late sixties, was baptized Madonna Nathalie, but dropped her first name in the late eighties, when people started assuming she had changed it to match the pop stars'. Kind of a bummer for her and other folks who got this name before it was indelibly associated with one person - it's like her own name got stolen from her.
I don't like this name, I never even knew it was a real name untill I was about 17, lol. It doesn't go well with any age either. Imagine you're rocking a little baby in your arms and calling her Madonna!
I know this is a real name and was way before Madonna came along, but it just reminds me of her too much, and when I hear that name for someone other than the singer, I sort of think why did they name their child after a pop singer. Again, Madonna (singer) ruined it for me.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2006
Madonna's real name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. I think I would have liked this name but the woman Madonna trashed the name for all of us.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2006
Although a beautiful name, I think Madonna is and will always be linked too closely to the absolutely wonderful and inspirational performer!